Although Gensokyo is full of everything, but there are not many people who are brave enough to let ordinary people come here.

Judging by the level of technology, it has reached the level of the outside world for two thousand years. Could it be that an industrial revolution is about to come?

"You don't know?" Meihong said with a surprised face.

"What do I know?" Ye Kai asked confusedly.

"When you come back this time, the size of the sea has directly become a thousand square kilometers, and the small island has also grown a lot! On the side of the Hakurei Shrine, there is also an additional forest of about [-] miles. Yakumo Zi's The guy wants to move some people and monsters outside to expand the entire Gensokyo." Meihong said with a speechless face.

Yakumo Zi is playing a big game of chess. If Gensokyo becomes an independent world in the future and the territory expands, the population will naturally be able to accommodate more.

Coupled with the fact that Ye Kai can connect to the world, Gensokyo can be used as a transfer station, which can not only strengthen the strength of monsters, but also obtain more things like faith and fear.

Even if this becomes an independent world, it will eventually depend on a new world.There can't be such a small piece of a planet, can it?

Which world to connect to at that time depends on the real high-level officials of Gensokyo.

Yakumo Zi is already preparing to set up a round table meeting or something, gather the heads of major forces for a meeting, and study this issue carefully.

These are when Ye Kai is connected to enough worlds.

Of course, if the population is too large, it may cause the rapid development of technology and slowly evolve into what it was before.

Therefore, in terms of population, Yakumozi intends to stop expanding to [-] people, and the technology is also at a level that is neither high nor low. It is just within a controllable range without using external networking.

And this entertainment center is obviously built for the future, and it is not used at all now...

There are some who are not afraid of death, and are occasionally taken to play in the sea by Meihong, and the stalls of Night Sparrow Girl and Calamus came in the same way.

Calamus is now living a fulfilling life in Gensokyo. During the day, she teaches at Renzhili Private School, and at night she runs a shop, all escorted by her loyal samurai.

Although the strength of that guy is infinitely close to zero in Gensokyo, at any rate, Meihong also lives here in Ye Kai, so her safety can be guaranteed.

In just half a year, the changes in Gensokyo have been turned upside down.

"By the way, why not migrate the population from the Iron Fortress world?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

"Yakumo Zi said that most of the people there are mentally retarded." Meihong said angrily.

In fact, Yakumo Zi's current strength is not enough to arrest a large number of people...

But how could Yakumo Zi say such a thing?

Looking at it now, as long as Ye Kai travels through a few more worlds, Yakumo Zi's power is enough to open a stable space channel.

"Where's Fulan?" Ye Kai sat beside Meihong.

There is no way, it is winter outside, and Gensokyo is also covered with ice and snow everywhere, and Meihong's side is the warmest.

Basically every week, Meihong uses her flame to clean up the snow on the playground.

She has a lot of shares in this playground... The entire beach is invested by her, Huiyin and the Echida family.

People contribute money, and Meihong contributes.

"It's much better. Wear the new glasses made by Paqiuli. As long as you don't go to crowded places like Renzhili, you'll be fine." Meihong smiled.

That little girl is quite cute.

"The change is really big! Fortunately, I have not been here, otherwise that guy Yakumo Zi will definitely pull me as a coolie." Ye Kai said helplessly.

[Tifa has only one doll left]

[Tifa calls the host, the host replaces the puppet, and the cross-boundary call begins]

[Mission: Defeat the complete Sephiroth]

[Reward: Double Dragon Shadow Sword]

"Boss, do you want to travel to another world with me?" Ye Kai didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He still has a lot of experiments to do, which is really annoying, but Tifa finally knows to find himself.

Meihong froze for a moment, then replied casually: "Okay! It just so happens that I haven't been to another world yet."

[Support Soldier Unlocked: Fujiwara Meihong]

[Because of carrying support soldiers, the world time is synchronized]

Ye Kai grabbed Meihong's hand, and the two left Gensokyo in an instant.

As for bringing a girl to Tifa, Ye Kai really didn't think about it that much at this time, in his heart, Meihong is his mother, what happened to seeing his daughter-in-law?

Just when Ye Kai and Meihong disappeared, Yakumo Zi appeared at this moment, and said unexpectedly: "Is this too impatient? I haven't asked him to pay for a banquet yet..."

Chapter 219 Six Years

World of Final Fantasy 7, Seventh Heaven Bar.

Six years have passed since Ye Kai left, and three years have passed since the final battle.

One year after Ye Kai left, Claude woke up; two years later, Myron died; three years later, the war between Xue Beng and Shinra broke out.

Zack's leadership ability and combat ability are not comparable to Claude and Barrett in the original book.

Under his leadership, Xue Beng grew stronger and stronger, and finally not only defeated Shinra, but also teamed up with Claude to defeat Sephiroth before Sephiroth's demise, and returned the planet to a bright future.

The meteorite magic that destroys the world has not been released after all.

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