At this moment, a little girl emerged from the room. She was wearing a white sweater, a small white skirt, a beautiful ponytail and a red bow on her hair.

The little girl back then has grown into a big girl now.

The shy and cowardly Marlene was also gradually influenced by Zacks, becoming lively and strong.

Chapter 220 Church

"Well, let's go over there and have a look." Tifa said softly.

The current time period is the world where the Son of Final Fantasy descends, but because the butterfly Ye Kai flapped its wings, the enemy has become much stronger than in the original book.

There are also some timelines, even if there is a world correction, they are still messed up.

Normally, it should be Cloud who was in danger first, and then Tifa appeared in the church.

But this time, Claude was fine, Zacks and Iris were not dead, and all the dead were Ye Kai's dolls.

"Okay!" Marlene, Claude and Zacks have a good relationship and like them very much.

If Claude works hard, maybe he can play Lolita.

The two went downstairs, and Tifa said to Iris: "I want to go to the church first, do you want to go together?"

"Okay, I just want to take care of my flowers." Iris stood up with a smile.

The two closed the bar and walked towards the church.

That's where Iris and Tifa first met.

The church is still the same, but it is much more dilapidated than before.Zack didn't fix some things that were destroyed in the battle, but just disposed of some garbage.

Originally, he wanted to repair it, but Iris said that such a church is more interesting, at least it can let people see how tragic the battle was.

In fact, Iris just couldn't bear Zacks being too tired.

Da da da……

Marlene trotted into the church and squatted near the flowers.

I found a box, an oil lamp, a cup, a bedding, and a pillow beside me.

There should be homeless people living here, very simple.

"Does Claude live here?" Marlene asked with a puzzled expression.

"Of course, he likes this environment very much." Iris smiled.

Seeing that Cloud was not found, Tifa couldn't help being a little disappointed. She wanted to see how Cloud handled Shinra's arrangement.

"What is this?" Marlene suddenly found a metal box.

"Magic stone, there are many magic stones in it, all collected by Claude." Iris said.

"This, Starstreak?" Tifa walked near where Cloud was sleeping, looked at a white cloth that was stained black, and frowned.

"Claude, are you also suffering from star marks?" Iris frowned slightly.

Even she couldn't solve this symptom, as if the planet was unwilling to lend her its power.

Marlene came here, picked up the white cloth, frowned and said, "Just like Denzel, is Claude also sick?"

Saying that, Marlene looked at Iris.

In this world, Iris is obviously more familiar with Claude, after all Claude likes Zacks very much.

If Ye Kai was here, he would suggest that it is the most harmonious to let Zacks be with Claude, and then she be with Sisne.

"I really don't know about this... After all, that guy just likes to be brave, just like my Zacks." Iris said helplessly.

"Oh...forget it, let's go back, he has to figure it out by himself, he doesn't seem willing to accept help from others now." Tifa shook her head helplessly.

Da da da……

Marlene ran to the side, pinched her waist and said dissatisfiedly: "No, I want to see Claude!"

"What about after seeing it?" Iris asked with interest.

"Take him home!" Marlene raised her hand.

"Well, but I need to fix him first, Zacks should be happy to do it for me." Iris laughed.

"Agreed!" Marlene nodded.

Claude encountered difficulties, but did not seek help, which hurt the hearts of these friends too much.

We are all comrades-in-arms, as for?

The three of them waited in the church for more than half an hour.


Suddenly, the door of the church was pushed open vigorously.

Marlene thought that Claude was back, so she ran over excitedly.

Tifa's sharp eyes saw that someone was wrong, so she grabbed Marlene.

I saw three figures and a large group of black beasts appearing at the door.

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