Iris hugged Marlene, retreated a little bit, and slowly retreated into the flowers.

Kadan Qiu stopped at this moment. He picked up the metal box, opened it and found that it was full of magic stones!

"Is this a gift from my brother? Then I will accept it." Kadan Qiu laughed.

This kind of thing can improve the combat effectiveness, no one wants too much.

Unexpectedly, the things collected by Claude would be cheaper for him.

"The brother he was talking about, wouldn't it be Claude?" Marlene said with a look of fear.

"Wait, brother... Mohuang eyes?" Iris finally saw the eyes of the three people clearly, they were eyes soaked in Mohuang furnace, Mohuang eyes!

The silver-haired three young men led by Kadan Qiu are not real individuals.The three of them are the nostalgic bodies of Jenova cells left by Sephiroth's resentment when they defeated Sephiroth for the first time.

The thought body condensed into the three of them, and their motive was to reunite the Jenova virus with them and regenerate Sephiroth.

Why did they call Brother Claude?

Because when Cloud was a Shinra soldier, he was caught by Hojo together with Zacks and soaked in the magic liquid for a full year, so his body is the same as that of Sephiroth and the three little strong , possesses Jenova cells, so he is called brother because of the commonalities in his body, but there is no real connection.

Even if Zack was here, they would still call him brother.

"As expected of an ancient species, you actually know so much. It seems that you are indeed the person your brother and he need most." Kadan Qiu sneered.

This time the brother refers to Zack, and he refers to Sephiroth.

"Iris, go!" Seeing that Iris is in danger now, Tifa couldn't help shouting anxiously.

Distraction during the battle will naturally cause flaws.


Ross grabbed Tifa's arm vigorously and threw him to the wall, but Tifa didn't bump into it. Instead, he adjusted his position in the air and stepped on the wall at the very moment.

Her feet were slightly bent on the wall, her right arm was down, her left arm was spread out, and her black hair was as beautiful as a waterfall.

Tifa collected her mood and secretly thought that she was fighting, whoever gets distracted will die first!

Brushing, Tifa's legs were strong, and she rushed towards Ross and a group of war beasts.

Tifa adjusted her posture again and moved forward with her shoulders. It was a savage collision of judo skills!


A golden barrier suddenly appeared in front of Tifa.

bang, bang, bang...

The three black war beasts turned into black smoke and disappeared, but before he could hit Ross, Ross disappeared with speed again.

Ross inherited the speed and strength of Sephiroth, how could it be so simple?

Tifa didn't stop, and grabbed a war beast.


The gunshot rang out again, and the beast's head was shattered by a single shot, turning into black smoke.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

On the top of the church, on the ground, countless war beasts appeared!This is persecution, this kind of thing can't be killed, as long as the star marks are still there, they will continue to regenerate.

If they didn't find Xenovia's head, they would retreat for fun, but the terrible thing is that Iris is here!

No matter which force it is, it is too clear that Iris's power is still useful.

She is only a support person and cannot fight, but her power can even prevent the destruction of the world!

After resurrecting Sephiroth, it would be great to use her as the source of Sephiroth's power. It can be said that at that time, no one can stop Sephiroth.

Tifa flew up, a blue-white light appeared on her feet, whirlwind legs!

bang, bang, bang...

All the beasts approaching her were kicked to death by Tifa, and her figure was getting closer and closer to Yaz.


Yazi's figure twisted inconceivably, and Tifa missed the kick!

He inherited Sephiroth's fighting skills, even without Ross's abnormal speed and strength, he is still a strong man.

If you want to compete with him in combat skills, unless Zacks or Claude are here!


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ross rushed towards Tifa and punched Tifa in the back.

Tifa didn't stop after landing, but flew up again, pinching Ross's head with both feet.



Empty hammer!

Tifa doesn't have any dnf weapons on him now, so the lethality is naturally limited. After being thrown out, Ross quickly stood up like an immortal Xiaoqiang.

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