This sword can only be used at the tenth level, otherwise Ye Kai will be drained of magic power as long as he uses it to attack or use skills, and the power will not be displayed at all.

Helpless, it can only be put into the space backpack.

Ye Kai boarded the last boat left for him by everyone. Elizabeth had been waiting here for a long time, and the two of them rowed slowly towards the island of death.

Elizabeth didn't even think about it, so she gave up the big team and went with Ye Kai instead, otherwise she wouldn't be able to help much if her skills improved, and she would become a burden.

She believed that Ye Kai would not let her down, and he would be able to rescue Will.

The front is the end of Ye Kai's performance.

The charm of this sea, as well as its cruelty, Ye Kai has not yet experienced enough, but this is all he can do.

He still doesn't know the characteristics of crossing, and he doesn't know whether he can return to this sea.

Friendship with Jack, fate with the sea.

In this final battle, use his sword to end it!

Chapter 24 The Curse of the Black Pearl

Inside the island of death.

"Come on, you pigs! The time has come!"

Barbossa stood in the middle of a pile of treasure, and Will was tightly bound with rope and gagged.

I was afraid that he would commit suicide before, but now I don't need it anymore.

Countless pirates are carrying gold coins, throwing gold coins and other treasures near the center little by little.

Those gold and silver treasures are now like a pile of rubbish, no one is willing to move, let alone take a second look.

After all, this is a cursed thing.

Barbossa was about the same age as Jack, with a beard that looked somewhat like Blackbeard, but not so sullen.

On his shoulder sits a monkey holding a green apple with very rough skin.

He was originally the king of the Caspian Sea, but the sea area he was in was too miserable, because that sea area could even be said to be just a lake, so he went to Jack's father.

But within a few years, Jack's father retired and became the custodian of the code. Barbossa followed Jack and became the first mate of the pirate ship Black Pearl. Captain of the Black Pearl.

He is the most pirate-like character in the entire Pirates of the Caribbean, insidious, cunning, betrayal, domineering, ambitious, and wily.

"Our redemption is near, our suffering is almost over!" Barbossa continued his rousing speech in the middle.


The pirates cheered.

And Jack also brought his people here slowly.

Jack stretched out his hand, and those people were all holding guns, slowly expanding outwards, trying to form a larger encirclement.

Now the number of people on both sides is about the same, it is still unknown who will win the battle.

"We have been tested and tempered in the past ten years. Everyone here has proved their courage countless times." Barbosa was very excited, and he had had enough of all this.



The pirates echoed loudly.

Barbossa opened his hands and shouted: "Countless times!"

"We've had enough!" a skinny pirate at the bottom echoed loudly.

Barbosa swept everyone's gaze with his hand, narrowed his eyes and said, "We have already suffered enough punishment, it is far more than the crimes we have committed."

He patted the palm of the other hand with one hand, and said with a sad face: "This is..."


He kicked off a huge stone box in the middle, revealing countless gold coins.

While stroking the gold coins inside, he said in a deep voice: "Curtis himself placed a cursed treasure."

"We've returned every cent of the treasure that was lost, except this one!" At this point he pointed to Will, who had already brought the gold coin around his neck.

"Who among us has given blood to the gods?" He glanced down.

"We!" The pirates below shouted together.

"Who else has not dedicated their blood!" Barbossa asked with a smile on his face.

"His!" All the pirates pointed at Will.

"Do you know what the first thing we should do after we uncover the curse?" Barbossa had a weird smile on his lips.

"Haha!" The people below also burst into laughter.


Barbossa cut the rope from Will's body, and the two pirates rushed forward and grabbed his arm, ignoring his struggle.

One hand was firmly grasped by a pirate to the edge of the box, and the other was also firmly grasped.

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