"Okay, then I will continue to answer your questions. The companions who obtained the mother's cells gathered together and took revenge on the planet! The preparations are progressing steadily. You see, some people are to blame for hiding the mother." Kadan Qiu excited the way.

"Ready?" Rufus asked suspiciously.

"Xinghen, the president also has a deep understanding? This is thanks to the mother's genetic ideas struggling in the river of life. Looking at us again, we don't know where our mother is! We are ashamed, but there is nothing we can do about it." Kadan Qiu said with a painful expression on his face.

Rufus has already understood almost everything, it seems that the star marks are really related to them!

It is almost clear what was not explained before!

Chapter 227

As for Zack and Cloud?

As soon as the two came out of there, Claude passed out.

Zack frowned slightly, knowing that this was Starstreak's attack.

He shook his head, and then his whole body stiffened!

Those weirdos asked him and Claude for Jenova's cells, would they attack his home?

Thinking of this, Zacks rode a cool motorcycle, put all of Claude's weapons on his car, and rushed towards the city!

This time Zacks was in a hurry and drove to the door of his house within ten minutes. He was relieved to see that there was nothing wrong at home. Sisne was sitting behind the counter, reading a book leisurely. It didn't look like an enemy had come. look.

Otherwise, Cisner will definitely find a way to contact him.

So... what about Iris?

Thinking of this, Zack went to Seventh Heaven again and found that there was no one in it!There used to be a sick little boy here, and now he's out too.

Where are they going?Don't think about it, it must be a church!

After that, it was Zacks who saw Ye Kai's dazed look.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Zacks couldn't calm down anymore. Ye Kai disappeared suddenly before, and everyone thought he would never come back.

It's just that she doesn't want to hit Tifa.

After all, Zacks believed in world traversal, and Tifa believed it, but it was still very sci-fi.

At first, Zacks thought that Ye Kai died, made up a story, and was sad for a long time because of this, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Tch, our hero Zacks is back? Come, sit here, let's have a barbecue and chat." Ye Kai said with a smile, not surprised.

Zacks frowned slightly, patted the motorcycle, and a long sword in the dark space suddenly appeared on the car!

Roland Guardian!

Dach couldn't use this sword back then, but Zack didn't violate harmony at all when using it.

It can be seen that this kind of weapon is not that others cannot use it, but that it depends on the strength!

Even if the skills inside cannot be activated, the hardness, sharpness, and weight are not comparable to Angel's Great Sword of Destruction!

It's just that Zacks won't use this sword until the critical moment.

He had an illusion that if the sword was used to a certain extent, it would shatter!

Blacksmiths in this world can only repair weapons like the Great Sword, but they can't repair such magical weapons, and it's almost the same as passing through Linus or something.


Zack put Cloud on the motorcycle, and rushed towards Ye Kai with Roland's bodyguard.

Ye Kai was slightly astonished, did Zacks have a convulsion?

But he didn't get entangled, and he pulled out the crack, and caught the opponent's sword.


The stone slab under Ye Kai's feet cracked like a spider web, Ye Kai frowned, Zack's growth these years is not slow!They are almost the same as themselves.

If you just look at strength and speed, I am afraid that I am not an opponent.


Ye Kai raised his sword, and Zack who picked him backed back again and again.

Naturally, Ye Kai's offensive would not stop so simply, he made a collision gesture and rushed towards Zacks.

Zack quickly swung his sword to block it, buzz!

Another challenge.

It's just that this time it's not an ordinary upward pick, but an army-breaking dragon attack!Whether it's strength, speed or timing, it surpasses the countless Dragon-breaking and Dragon-Breaking Strikes!

This was one of Ye Kai's two favorite starting skills when he played Soul Sword before.

The other, of course, is Silver Light Falling Blade.

If the Raptors start, it's too tasteless...


Zacks was hit into the air, but he didn't stop, nor stiffened, but fell towards Ye Kai quickly.

The Roland Guardian in his hand turned backwards, as if as soon as it came within his attack range, he would give Ye Kai a thunderous blow!

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