Road race, man's romance!

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Zack was not polite at all, and he didn't care whether Ye Kai could ride a motorcycle or not. Now if he delays for a while, the children will be in danger.

The city of oblivion, the scenery here is very beautiful. There are white trees everywhere. Although there are no leaves, the trunks seem to be glowing. Ye Kai can't help but think of jellyfish.

The round moon in the sky heralds the time and the extraordinary tomorrow.

And Kadan Qiu, just in front of a huge conch-like object, gave an impassioned speech.

I saw Kadan Qiu opened his arms and shouted: "My mother favored me with a special power, which can fight against the culprit of tormenting people-the power of the planet."

The kids were terrified, and it never occurred to them to do right with the planet.

"Actually, you also have this ability! That's right, we are a family, a chosen family who inherited the idea of ​​mother's inheritance dissolved in the river of life!"

He paced back and forth as he spoke, like a religious fanatic.

"However, the planet is in the way! It's trying to stop us from growing!"

Speaking of this, he pointed his finger at the children and shouted: "So, you suffer from flesh and blood pain, and the pain is so painful that you don't want to live! I will help you cure it."

The children's hearts were moved immediately. Isn't their purpose of coming here to cure the star marks and survive?

Speaking of this, Kadan Qiu's figure began to blur, with white mist exuding from his body, and he continued: "Then go back to your mother, and everyone will work together to take revenge on the planet!"

After shouting this sentence, the white mist on his body rose into the sky.

Denzel, a kid in the crowd, had a frightened look on his face.

He suddenly realized that it might be a mistake to come here.

They seem to be brainwashing!

Kadan Qiu walked into the water slowly, and said calmly, "Follow me and do it together."

After he entered the water, with him as the center, the water slowly turned black.

That color is not a healthy black, but a very weird black!Definitely not from never taking a shower.

He picked up the water and slowly poured it into his mouth.

And those children didn't dislike the color of the water at all, they stepped into the water one by one, followed his example, and drank the water into their mouths.

Even Denzel was not exempt.

Even if he was brainwashed, he still wanted to live and healed Xinghen.

The children's eyes gradually became the same as Kadan Qiu.

If Zack was here, he would definitely recognize it. This is the Moko Eye!

The power of the star marks on them has been taken away by Kadan Qiu, and he can already make more and stronger war beasts!

Compared with the original book, there are at least three times more children here!

He's confident now, taking revenge on the planet.

Neither Ye Kai, Zacks, Cloud nor Shinra can stop him!

"Mother, look, with so many brothers, I won't be lonely until I meet my mother."

Kadan Qiu whispered to the sky.

Children with magic eyes are much stronger than adults, even if the importance of star marks is ignored.

Moreover, the other party will never attack the child!This is an invincible army!

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Zacks and Ye Kai have entered the Forgotten City, and Ye Kai looked at the surrounding scenery in amazement.

"This is where the final battle will take place." Tifa seemed to have guessed what Ye Kai was thinking, and said faintly.

"It's such a good place, I really want to move to Gensokyo!" Ye Kai said with emotion.

"Good place? Forget it! If it weren't for Claude and I, I'm afraid Sephiroth would have successfully summoned the meteorite. At that time, Iris might dedicate herself to this planet. Well... I have to thank you at this time Your puppet is gone, if it weren't for those things that are not afraid of death, we would not be able to succeed." Zacks said with emotion.

"By the way, Tifa, you didn't use my doll, did you do something weird? Although I believe you, you are also an adult..."


Tifa's small fist stopped Ye Kai.

How could Ye Kai not know the hardships of the final battle?

Even if he has never played a game, he still knows that the game will definitely torture the protagonist to death.

Besides, Iris is dead in the original book, can it not be difficult?

In the absence of herself, Iris still survived, which shows how powerful the aura of the protagonists of Zacks and Claude is!

It's a pity that the battle involved too much. The Moko City, which is now in ruins, is a good example.

I'm afraid this planet will become a dead place in the future, right?

I remember that at the beginning of Final Fantasy, Mako City has been covered by green jobs, and there is no one inhabited there.

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