Now Zacks is at a disadvantage because the other party is too familiar with him!Zack's fighting style has long been thoroughly studied.

As for Zack, who obviously didn't understand the other party, Sephiroth, who was separated, was the first time he played against him seriously.

This is different from Ye Kai's situation. Zacks is familiar with magic stones, but not people.

Ye Kai is not familiar with both, and Kadan Qiu is not familiar with Ye Kai either.

So now on the court, there is a complete stalemate!

Ye Kai researched and understood the magic stone and the opponent's routine; Zacks adapted to the opponent's weird fighting style with only skills; Tifa lasted until one of the two ended the battle.

Then, there will be no suspense in this battle.

vice versa……

Ye Kai felt that he would rather fight with Sephiroth than with these three guys.

It's so weird!

Chapter 232 Chaos

Using colorless skills is obviously a bit of a fuss, and besides, they can't kill them now, which is very wasteful.

Without colorless skills, the battlefield is still deadlocked, and now someone needs to break it all.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The three of Ye Kai gathered together again, and the other three also slowly stood together.

Ye Kai had the illusion that when the three of them stood together, they seemed to be facing Sephiroth!

It is true that Sephiroth is physically stronger than these three thoughts, but Sephiroth's fighting style is aboveboard, so it is not so difficult to deal with!

Sephiroth will use truly powerful strength to crush his opponents, instead of all kinds of opportunistic tricks like the three of them.

Therefore, Sephiroth is the representative of Jenova, and the three of them are just defective products.


Ross sneered, and punched the ground, as if there was a giant pangolin wriggling underneath, it rushed towards everyone.

And Zacks waved his sword casually, and a huge sword energy flew out.


Offset of energy and energy!

bang, bang, bang...

The gunshot rang out again, Ye Kai quickly danced his disappearance, stopping the bullet without a single shot!


At this moment, Ross's fist also arrived.


Tifa rushed up and punched Ross, and the two retreated at the same time.

There was a hint of a smile in Ye Kai's eyes, it really was this routine.

Yaz appeared behind Ross and shot at the three of them crazily!

"Empty hammer!" Ye Kai shouted and pushed Tifa.

Instinctively, Tifa jumped forward, stretched her legs, and her feet caught Yazi's head.

"Guardian of Roland!"

Zacks conveniently threw the weapon to Ye Kai, then drew out the great sword of destruction on his back, and slashed at Ross, who was attacking again.


Ross' fist met Zack's sword, and the two backed away at the same time again.


Yazi was thrown to the ground by Tifa, before he got up, the golden light on Ye Kai bumped him up again.


Ye Kai raised the huge sword vigorously, and slammed it down fiercely!

The giant sword's Breaking Army and Rising Dragon Strike has such a second-stage bonus!


Yaz suddenly turned into black air!

Slowly, he took shape again behind the crowd, and the bullets poured out towards Ye Kai as if he didn't want money.

While chasing, Ye Kai resisted the bullets, none of which could get close to him.

As for the Roland Guardian, Ye Kai threw it to Zacks after using it up.


Ross' figure appeared again, as if he didn't care about the failure of the two moves just now, and his fist hit the sword of Roland's guardian again!

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