Pirates should have no friends because they are selfish, pirates should have friends because they are free.


Ye Kai flew up, then fell down against the rules of physics.

Silver falling blade.


Several pirates surrounding him were blown away by the air current.

"It hurts me to death."

"This little boy..."

All five people were blown away.

Ye Kai didn't stop after landing, and rushed to the outside. When passing by a pirate, he stabbed a sword in his neck.

This is what happened to his little boy.

clap, clap, clap...

Ye Kai's footsteps were vigorous and powerful, and the pirates who were fighting would unconsciously give way when they saw him.


Gibbs was being besieged by two people, and he was a little helpless. Ye Kai helped him solve one when he passed by.

"You owe me a drink, man!"

Hearing Ye Kai's voice, Gibbs laughed and said, "When we get to the Black Pearl, I'll give you as much rum as you want!"

Ye Kai ran outside the cave, and sure enough, countless boats were swimming towards this side.

"Hey, someone who is not afraid of death is here."

"Are you here to give us money?"

"Don't shoot, use his bones to sharpen the knife, haha!"

He stroked the rusty samurai sword gently, and said with a smile: "Dude, I wonder if you can accompany me through this journey."

The durability of the rusty samurai sword is almost at the end, and it can only be used for the last time.

Fantie will always be Fantie, and its durability is destined not to be very high.

The durability of artifacts and epic weapons is definitely more than a hundred times that of vanilla weapons, and they have the function of automatic recovery, but the recovery is a bit slow, and if they are subjected to powerful attack rhythms one after another, they will also shatter.

The pirates looked at the man with mantis arms mockingly, as if they were thinking about how to kill him.

Because of this, they missed the last chance to force Ye Kai back.

Whoosh, bang!

Ye Kai held the sword vigorously and slapped it forward.

There was a golden light shining on the sword, and even Ye Kai's body seemed to be covered with a layer of gold.

Under the surprised eyes of the pirates...


The nearest boat was shattered by the scattered sword energy and Ye Kai's epee.


When upgraded to the limit, even mountains can be smashed into swordsmanship.


Because the boat was broken, Ye Kai inevitably fell into the water.

In the water, Ye Kai entered the sea like a dragon, easily reaping the lives of the pirates who accidentally fell.

Wisps of blood gradually dyed the sea red.

The characteristics of the ghost swordsman, or the characteristics of the profession in dnf, are really enjoyable!

The feeling of being able to move freely in the water is incomparable even for pirates who grew up by the sea.

Brush, brush, brush...

One sword after another, one life after another, was slowly harvested by Ye Kai.

"Oh, he's so strong in the sea, shoot, shoot!"

bang, bang, bang...

Countless bullets shot into the sea, as if they wanted to stop Ye Kai.

But the bullets of this era can be seen by the naked eye when they enter the sea water, let alone leaves.

clap, clap, clap...

Dodge if you can dodge, block if you can't dodge!

Ye Kai pushed aside a round of bullets without slowing down, and chiseled at the sight of a boat.

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