Ye Kai's abdomen and thigh were hit by the sword at the same time.

He didn't even see the series of sword shadows clearly.

Ye Kai wiped lightly on the wound, a flash of golden light flashed, breaking the extreme weapon!

Black, an ominous black, flickered beside Ye Kai.

Kaija, the afterimage, appeared around Ye Kai.


Another puff of black air, the dark moon descends!

Kazan of the Soul of the Blade, Possessed...

"It's interesting!" Sephiroth saw that Ye Kai became stronger a little bit, and he couldn't help showing a little more interest in his indifferent eyes.

"It's not over yet, the feast of ghosts and gods, why is there only this?" Ye Kai sneered.

Poof, poof...

Two more swords pierced his chest and ribs respectively.

Ye Kai didn't stop, and continued to cast ghosts and gods, those scars seemed to not exist!

Primeng of Corrosion, Saya of Frost, Rakshasa of Plague!

The first ghost - Kazan of Destruction·Soul of the Blade.

The second ghost - Kaija of afterimage.

The third ghost and god--the Primeng of Corrosion.

The fourth ghost - Saya of Frost.

The fifth ghost - Rakshasa of the plague.

Ye Kai's feast of ghosts and gods has finally reached the fifth one!

The smile on Sephiroth's face just keeps getting bigger and bigger, it's so much fun, so much fun!

What would such a guy look like when he died under his sword?

Chapter 242 Won't Become A Memory

Really, I don't want to kill him!

Claude, there is a little more weakness; although Zacks is perfect, he grows in his own back.

This strong man who doesn't know why is much more interesting.


Another huge sword light slashed towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai didn't run away or dodge this time, but rushed forward abruptly!Whoosh!

An afterimage flashed past, and the huge sword light failed to attack Ye Kai, but disappeared in the air.

Sephiroth's eyes widened in disbelief, and he obviously found that he couldn't move for about two seconds just now.


A powerful dark attribute energy raged in his body!


Sephiroth waved the authentic twice casually, and the black air erupted, which was the power of ghosts and gods on Ye Kai.


Sephiroth didn't let Ye Kai wait too long, but directly attacked Ye Kai.

bang, bang, bang...

The fight between the two was much more intense than before.

Sephiroth, finally used his full strength!


Sephiroth kicked out, just hitting Ye Kai's neck, and Ye Kai flew away backwards.


Ye Kai's feet rubbed against the ground, and the wound was backwards. When Sephiroth rushed up, a huge black air smashed towards Sephiroth!

Ghost Slash: Fury!


Although the building was strong, it couldn't stand the torture of the two of them. This was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The building collapsed!


Ye Kai's sword was inserted into the ground, and the huge ice cube moved forward at a constant speed. Ye Kai stepped on the ice cube, flew up, and made a random forward round, and the huge fireball blasted towards Sephiroth.

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