No matter what they are, my soul is here, and they can only go to endless loneliness!

The soul has inherited my character, washing away the cruelty and hatred for humans!This is me, the real Sephiroth. "

Sephiroth stood up, showing an impeccable smile, and whispered to Yaoji: "Come on, take me to see the adults, and then work, I want to atone for my sins. I don't care about reincarnation or anything! Hell is not Kong, swear not to be human!"

Yaoji frowned, before this guy was still half-dead, as if he was sorry for the whole world.

Now, infinite sword intent exudes from him.

Regardless of his past achievements, he is a true swordsman, a true warrior.

At least, he knew that he had to be responsible for his past.

The past, let them pass!He is still here now, which means endless redemption, redemption of his own sins!

He wants to use his endless life span to atone for his sins!

Perhaps, this sin can never be redeemed.

But that's fine too.

If Ye Kai were here, he would have found out that after Master Four Seasons preached, plus Sephiroth's most primitive and purest soul criticized him.

The calm, brave, confident, responsible, strong-willed, and fighting-loving Sephiroth is back.

Chapter 249 Fantasy Township Chat Group


Ye Kai stretched, stood up, and turned on the computer casually to see if there were any functions that he hadn't found.

As a result, after looking at it, I really found a penguin logo, clicked it curiously, and found that he was already in a group, but there was no friend.

Randomly picked up a screen name: the fifth person of the Four Swordsmen.

I glanced at the group's name, the most upright Gensokyo.

After clicking in: the fifth person of the Four Sword Masters officially joined the group chat.

neet Ji: Oh, there are newcomers?Do you want to play black?The king takes you to fly.

Only [-] yuan: Newcomers remember to pay the group fee.

neet Ji: Don't worry about the one upstairs, she has never been successful in collecting group fees.

Only one hundred thousand yuan: Who are you?Dare to give your real name and let me open the door to check the water meter!

neet Ji: Fujiwara sister red!Go ahead!I can't kill you!

Only one hundred thousand yuan: Meihong, right? Just wait!

Forever seventeen years old: Don't make trouble, those who report their real names in this group can't be trusted.

Only [-] yuan: I didn't believe it at all... Can you pick up the morals one by one.

Xiang Guoben under great pressure: Are you qualified to say this?

One Punch Miko: Everyone is in the same boat, don't say anything about anyone.

Only one hundred thousand yuan: That Miko, are you Hakurei Reimu?

One Punch Miko: No, I'm just an ordinary older unmarried single mother.

Only one hundred thousand yuan: Hmph, don't pretend to be Lingmeng, she is my admirer, if you let me know that you use her name to make money, I will never let you go!Unless part of the cheated money is turned over.

One Punch Miko: ...You think too much, how can I cheat the money and turn it in.

As long as [-] yuan: ah ah ah ah!Sure enough, you guys want to pretend to be Reimu, right?

Puppet control: Is the magician who picks mushrooms not online today?

Hagfish BBQ: Not online, she said she was going to the playground.

Puppet control is offline...

The fifth person of the Four Sword Saints: What group is this?

Integrity: This group is the monster group of Gensokyo. Anyone with special abilities will automatically add this group when they install chat software.For the sake of my hard work in explaining it to you, remember to tick the newspaper, and when there is big news, remember to shout three times to the sky for integrity!I will definitely be there as soon as possible.

495 Years of Loneliness: I'm going to play at my big brother's house at night. Is there anyone together?

The never-withering sun flower: If it is a playground for ghosts and gods, I am going to see it.

The most majestic me: It's a playground for ghosts and gods, when the time comes, sign up for your online name!

The Sunflower That Never Withers: Good.

Likes to eat history: It's a pity that Huo Fenghuang passed out, I'm taking care of her, so I can't go.

Perfect Princess: Allah?Are you going to face-to-face?It is said that we have known each other for a long time in the group, only a few people can guess the name.

No sense of presence: Lianlian likes this place very much, at least many people can find Lianlian.

neet Ji: Newcomer, do you want to start black? Give me a letter, and I will continue to improve my score.

The fifth person of the Four Swordsmen: Not for now, I still want to check out the new functions of the computer, I just came into contact with it.

Ye Kaitou scratched his head in pain, why is it the same as the group in his previous life? The loneliness in 495 years should be Fulan, the catchphrase Allah should be Yuyuko, and honesty should be Wenwen, others can't see it at all!

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