"Brother Ye Kai, hand over da☆za, the culprit of the mutation!"

"Sure enough, God is annoying." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"Wow, there's really big news, and it's definitely right to follow Marisa!"

The figures of Wenwen and Marisa just entered Ye Kai's sight.

"Marisa, are you sure you want to fight with me?" Ye Kai released Lily White and took out the crack in his hand.

Now even if he can't fly, the death tombstone can still attack the enemy. To a certain extent, he can teach Marisa to be a man.

"Brother Ye Kai, give us back the spring! Do you know how much trouble this has caused us da☆za!" Marisa didn't go down rashly. Did she know that she was definitely not the current Ye on land? open opponent.

It's a pity that this product doesn't know how to barrage, and the dog bites the hedgehog.

"What does this have to do with me?" Ye Kai asked helplessly.

"Huh? You're not the culprit of the mutation? Then why didn't you hand over the culprit to me?" Marisa asked suspiciously.

"You fight with me when you come up, and let me hand over the culprit." Ye Kai separated Qi Lunuo and Lily White, grabbed a collar with one hand, picked them up, and said to Marisa in the air: "Look at this Which of the two guys can initiate a mutation?"

"Idiot, idiot, big idiot! Let me go!" Qi Lunuo said while struggling.

Lily White continued to point into the air, shouting, "Spring is here, spring is here!"

"Um...it seems like this." Marisa knew the abilities of Lilywhite and Cirno.

These two cute creatures absolutely do not have the ability to initiate mutations.

Suddenly, Letty interjected: "What you mean by resolving the mutation is to make spring come?"

"Of course!" Marisa looked at Letty curiously.

"Then beat me! Otherwise I won't let anyone take my winter away."


Countless wind and snow, accompanied by cold air, wrapped around Letty!

Chapter 259

In the present world, Moriya Shrine.

"are you ready?"

Yakumo Zi sat on the gap and said to Kanako who was drinking.

Kanako has been waiting for a while, the entire shrine will be moved to Gensokyo.

Seeing that Lianzi was stunned, Yu Zuo was stunned.

Lianzi looked at Mei Li, then at Yakumo Zi, and said doubtfully, "Mei Li, you both look alike, it's just that your breasts are a few sizes smaller."

"Don't, don't be joking..." Mei Li said embarrassedly, hugging her chest.

She also discovered that she was simply Yakumo Zi when she was young!

No, it was the grown-up Yakumo Zi who almost said the wrong thing.

In other words, her bust has a chance to grow again?

"You should be lucky that you can meet Ye Kai." Yakumo Zi also found Mei Li quite pleasing to the eye, as if looking at another self.

Her ability is the ability to discover barriers, which is very useful for exploring mazes and maintaining large barriers!

As long as Blue leads her for a few years, she will be able to take on the task of patrolling the Great Barrier.

In addition, Meili is from the future, so I have a way to transform her into an undead species.

Well, there are only so many part-time workers in Gensokyo, so it should be considered as a share for Lan, right?

"Why do you say that?" Lianzi asked curiously.

Those who don't know are not afraid, she doesn't care if Yakumo Zi is some monster sage.

Anyway, the monsters she encountered were all kind.

"You are not from this world, but from the future, haven't you noticed? Since Ye Kai left, your sense of existence has become less and less." Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

"No wonder, I always feel that we are out of tune with the surrounding environment, and some strange scenes often appear in my dreams, where there are no waiters for meals, and all the food is transported by machines.

Also, you can land in space casually, and ordinary people also have the opportunity to travel to the moon. "Lianzi said in surprise.

"I also noticed that there are many people, even though we are standing in front of them, but they just can't see us." Mei Li said with some panic.

"You have not been forgotten. When you are completely forgotten, there will be no place for you except Gensokyo." Yakumo Zi smiled.

"So it's like this..." Lianzi suddenly realized.

"Don't scare my two children, Yakumo Zi, just tell me something." Kanako said impatiently.

"This child is very similar to me. I want her to go to the Lost House." Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice.

"Zi, we have already felt it! Your abilities are very similar, and your looks are very similar. If you don't care about us, we will feel strange. However, people can be with you, but you have to guarantee that after three years She can take care of herself and keep her safe. This child's ability is as special as yours, we can't teach her." Suwako said softly.

"Wait, I don't want to be separated from Lianzi." Mei Li said hastily.

"However, if Lianzi goes, she may not be able to obtain the ability, and if you don't go, it will be difficult for you to obtain the ability." Suwako said softly.

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