The innermost one is an altar with the same pedestal as before. In the center of the pedestal is not a beacon, but the legendary Dawnbreaker.

Ye Kai casually picked up the sword and was stunned.

【Dawn: Demon God Weapon】

[Exchangeable Weapon: Level 30 Artifact]

He doesn't need a level 30 weapon, but Tifa does!Theoretically, there are three best judo in the 85 version, and one of them is Legend of Boxing Style (excluding Huang Gu, if you encounter Huang Gu, just beat him to death, you are welcome).

He has never played judo personally, but he is still a little concerned about what he often encounters in the pk field.And Tifa's habit is to favor gloves more.

Since it is an artifact that can be exchanged...

Do you still think about it?

[Holy Object: Blazing Angel's Bone Crusher Gloves: Gloves]

[Grade: Artifact]

[Attribute bonus: intelligence +42, casting speed +2%, fire attribute attack, fighters level 1-30 all skills +1. 】

[Required level: 30]

Hmm... She must be very happy if you give it to her.

Ye Kai looked at the gloves with a happy smile on his face.

"Ye Kai! You servant, you still have some eyesight! Although Lord Remy doesn't want this glove, but if you insist on using it to honor Lord Remy, Lord Remy will reluctantly accept it!" Remy looked proud the way.

"Uh...well, this is not for you." Ye Kai twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly.

click click...

Ye Kai felt that Remy, who was sitting on his shoulder, had turned into petrification...

Chapter 277 Indigenous Wisdom


Ye Kai and the others were all teleported outside, where they were when they first entered, still in the high sky.

Meredia: Morkran is slain, and the dead of Skyrim rest at last.Everything is back on track, thanks to you.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched a bit, killing a little necromancer, the dead in Skyrim will be at peace?This Demon God is too sweet, or does she think her temple can represent the entire Skyrim Province?

Meredia: A new day is about to begin, and you are the herald of the dawn.

Ye Kai and Remy looked at each other, and they were speechless. The three of them looked more like the Nightbringer, right?

Meridia: Although I don't know how you transformed Dawnbreaker into other artifacts, I can still feel the power on it. You are a good blacksmith.Go, use your newly forged artifact, use it to eradicate the fallen souls in the dark corners of this world, and bring my holiness to more places!

"Don't worry, I will." Ye Kai said with a sob at the corner of his mouth.

Meredia: The dawn is at hand!


Ye Kai and others landed on the ground.

A magic artifact can only be exchanged for a level 30 artifact. You tell me to use it to eradicate the fallen souls of this world?Don't be so nonsense, is it better to believe in Kanako than in you?

At least that guy Kanako, among other things, has guaranteed force!

And your holiness, apart from tossing me for so long, I haven't seen any holiness in you.

"Miss, where are we going next?" Ye Kai patted Remy's calf and said softly.

"Go...over there!" Remy pointed in a direction with a flash of red light in her hand.

Now Ye Kai is really convinced of Remi, she is simply a little expert in finding tasks!

This time, I don't know what tasks with powerful rewards are waiting for me?

Two days later, dusk...

"Miss, isn't this a carriage?" Ye Kai said to Remy on her neck with black lines all over her hair.

Several people are outside a city now, and countless passers-by are looking at Ye Kai and others curiously, but they are not afraid.

Not to mention Ye Kai's ghostly hand, even Yalong people are used to it.

Remy and Fran's wings, they also thought they were decorations.

Didn't you see that there is no meat on Fran's wings, are they basically crystals?It looks like a little girl looks good, for decoration.

But the clothes on them amazed passers-by. After all, they were too delicate. Those noble ladies might not have such delicate clothes.

There is nothing to see in the cities of this world, and the food to eat is probably not as good as Ye Kai's stock, and Ye Kai has no idea of ​​going in to find out.

And in some cities, you will encounter all kinds of troubles when you enter, which is very cheating.

"Fate told me that the journey is too bumpy!" Remy rolled her eyes and said.

"Then please tell me, Lord Remy, where should we go? How should we tell the coachman?" Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"Um... no road race! Anyway, it's the southeast!" Remy replied that she couldn't, and began to play tricks.

"Okay, you won." Ye Kai said helplessly.

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