"Hmph, are those lowly creatures worthy of being called vampires? What a joke!" Remy said proudly.

"So, we are here to help you get rid of those vampires." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Are you insulting my IQ? I've said it all, if you want to kill it, hurry up, don't play these little tricks, it will only make people look down on you!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Fortunately, I tied you up from the beginning, otherwise I really can't say...Let's put it this way, the two behind me are real vampires, but they never suck people dry and turn them into vampires. There is no vampire virus." Ye Kai rubbed his temples, thinking of words.

"The greeting just now was just to tell you that we have the power to kill you easily. Not only will we not kill you, but we will also cooperate with you to kill those vampires transformed by the demon god." Ye Kai continued.

"Then let you rule the vampires and kill us all? Are you lying to children?" the middle-aged man said coldly.

"Forget it, I can't explain it to someone with a brain like you. How about this, anyway, your situation can't get any worse, so what if you accept cooperation? Even if we kill you in the end, at least a batch of vampires will be wiped out No? Otherwise, there will be two batches!" Ye Kai settled the bill for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man suddenly felt that what Ye Kai said made sense, and he was speechless.

Chapter 279 Cooperation

"Think about it. It was easy for us to kill you, but now we have given you a chance to survive. To deal with vampires, you need our combat power, and we can accomplish some things that are difficult for you to accomplish. Even if you have to kill in the end Donkey, don't you have to help you kill those vampires you really hate?" Ye Kai said.

The Dawnguard looked at each other and nodded.

What Ye Kai said made sense, they were almost convinced by Ye Kai.

Even if you haven't been persuaded, you still have to act like you're about to be persuaded, otherwise, you're too passive now!

Ye let them go, they can still think of a way, being tied up is ready to be slaughtered at any time.

"Also, while we are helping you deal with vampires, you can prepare weapons of mass destruction and find a way to deal with us? At least you will be more prepared by then, right?" Ye Kai said.

"What the hell are you thinking? It won't do anything but make enemies for you, right?" the middle-aged man said vigilantly.

He really couldn't figure out why Ye Kai was so kind.

"Because we have absolute power, you can only accept my conditions now. Besides, since we dare to let you prepare, it means that we are not afraid of your counterattack." Ye Kai said indifferently.

Anyway, this is the choice of fate, that is to say, we must cooperate with them.

"This... I accept!" The middle-aged man nodded decisively in agreement.

What Ye Kai said was completely in their best interest.

Especially the strength of Ye Kai and others, he has also seen it just now, those subordinates are definitely not ordinary people, but they are easily subdued by Remy.

As if they were dogs biting dogs, it would be in their own favor no matter what.

If he was killed by Ye Kai and others in the end, then he can't blame others, anyway, he has avenged himself.

Hmm... first think of a way to delay some time, then let them do more things, and prepare more on my side.

If it doesn't work, let everyone evacuate in the end, and find a way to die with the three guys in front of me!

No, let them evacuate now!

Ye Kai didn't know that this guy was thinking about the future now.

Brush, brush, brush!

Three sword lights flashed, and the iron chains tied to them all turned into pieces.

Those guys looked at Ye Kai in shock, obviously not knowing how Ye Kai did it.

However, this does not prevent them from having an intuitive understanding of Ye Kai's power.

"Then, happy cooperation." An ugly smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged man, and he stretched out his hand towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai clapped his hands with him, making a gentleman's agreement.

Partnering with this group of guys will definitely be very passive and tiring.

But here, he can get a lot of useful things, and it seems that he can get the artifact in the middle of the mission.

The middle-aged man gave the people behind him a wink, and they didn't speak, nor did they interfere with the middle-aged man's thoughts, but retreated quietly.

This wink made them evacuate to the second lair as quickly as possible.

And those people also decisively complied.

It's not that they don't have the consciousness to live and die together, but it's useless to do that.

To keep the green hills alive, at least someone must avenge the leader, right?

"Now introduce yourself, and then tell me what I need to do. I declare in advance that I will not do purely errand tasks." Ye Kai took a deep look at the middle-aged man.

"You are not afraid, they are going to get weapons now?" the middle-aged said indifferently.

"Unless you don't want them to survive today." Ye Kai said.


"Ha ha!"

The two looked at each other and laughed like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

"Hmph, hypocritical guy." Remy said with disdain, turning her head.

"Big Brother's smile is so fake, he obviously didn't smile like this when he was playing with Fran." Fran said softly.

"Ahem, in Lower Islan, we want to confirm the matter of the Hollow Crypt. There is a group of vampires moving around there, as if they are looking for something." Yislan put away his smirk and said seriously.

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