"Even if you eat the body of the concubine, the body of the concubine will appear again, scaring you to death." Hui Ye laughed.

"Penglai people are amazing..." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Eh, you know people from Penglai?" Hui Ye narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Well, you should be the only one from Penglai at present, and there will be another one in the future. I don't quite understand the cause and effect relationship." Ye Kai said.

He just wanted to test Hui Ye, whether he recognized Mei Hong at this time, it seemed that he was disappointed, Hui Ye didn't seem to know Mei Hong.

Her fluctuations are very similar to Meihong's, except that Meihong's is more fiery, and she has never seen the direction of her fluctuations, so it should be a very mysterious force.

The monsters in Gensokyo do not seem to repeat much.

"Although I don't know where you heard this term, lying is not a good boy." Kaguya said softly.

Although she was very curious about how Ye Kai knew about the Penglai medicine and that she was from Penglai, she didn't ask.

She believed in her own IQ, and sooner or later she would reveal all the things Ye Kai knew.

As for what Ye Kai said, there will be another one, in her opinion, Ye Kai guessed it. After all, these nobles wanted to marry her, not because they really fell in love with her appearance, but because of her immortality. medicine.

In fact, what Hui Ye was most curious about was why the clothes on Ye Kai couldn't be destroyed?It was as if his own eternal power had blessed him.

Her power is very strange, and one of them is eternal. Taking an apple as an example, she can cast eternal magic on the apple, so the apple has an attribute of "eternal".

Then even if the apple is severely dropped on the ground, since this apple is forever, it will not change and will not be broken.

Of course, this is not an invincible skill. If the opponent's demon power is greater than hers, and the apple can still be broken, she will output the demon power again to restore the apple.If the output of the monster power is weak, then when the monster power in the apple is gone, it will become the same as before, and the continuous attack will speed up the process.

The clothes on Ye Kai are actually the same. A set of heritage-level clothes will not have any holes cut out. Attacks that exceed the defense of the clothes will still be borne by Ye Kai. Attacks that exceed the upper limit of durability will destroy the clothes, and the clothes will accumulate durability. It will also break when it is zero.

It was after Ye Kai changed his clothes that Hui Ye became very curious about Ye Kai.

As for Ye Kai's strength, she is not afraid at all now, because she found that no matter what she did, Ye Kai never thought of hurting her.

She tested Ye Kai's bottom line little by little, and found that Ye Kai was indeed a very talkative and interesting person.

If Ye Kai hadn't seen her all, maybe she would really show mercy and let Ye Kai become her servant...

"My Royal Highness, we will get up later to deal with those nobles, do you dare to let me sleep for a while?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

Hui Ye rejected another group before, they will continue to propose marriage tomorrow, Hui Ye has already made an agreement with Ye Kai.

"But it's so boring for me to be alone in the room." Hui Ye said ambiguously.

"You're playing with fire." Ye Kai opened his eyes, sat up, and looked straight at Hui Ye.

"I know that you are a good person." Hui Ye smiled.

Ye Kai received a good person card, very speechless, lay back down again, and said helplessly: "So, why are you willing to let me sleep."

"I really like your knives and clothes." Hui Ye said shyly...

"Don't even think about it." Ye Kai rolled his eyes, why does this Hui Ye always think about her own equipment, is she a poor ghost?

How did she know that the current Kaguya is really interested in treasures.

"Stingy man, no girls will like this. Get up now, those nobles should be here soon, I need to freshen myself up." Hui Ye stood up and said softly.

Chapter 306

"Why did you ask me to wake up after washing up?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes, but got up obediently.

At Kaguya's door, she finished dressing up in a short while.

"Remember, I will help my concubine reject them later." Hui Ye said softly.

"No problem, it's a trivial matter." Ye Kai couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when he saw that Hui Ye had just washed his face.

But yes, it seems that there are not a lot of cosmetics in this era, and each one is original.

It's really hard for Kaguya to be so beautiful without makeup.

After that, Ye Kai finally knew how Hui Ye met the guests.

She was sitting behind a curtain, and the people who came here couldn't see what she looked like at all. Speaking of which, how did her reputation spread far and wide?Because those guys couldn't see the real person, they passed it on and off, making Hui Ye look like a fairy.

Although it is true, Ye Kai is also drunk with this ability to create something out of nothing.

Like a loyal guard, he stood outside the curtain, staring coldly at a... nobleman who could be his grandfather.

"Are you here to propose to your grandson?" Ye Kai said indifferently.

"No, I'm proposing to myself..." the nobleman said with some embarrassment.

"Come back when you're young again." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and didn't bother to talk to him.

"Bold, you know..."

A guard drew out the weapon at his waist, and was about to cut the leaves when he saw a flash of fire, and his knife broke in two.

"I don't want to kill people now, get out!" Ye Kai said coldly.

The guards behind were about to make a move, but found that what they pulled out was only the handle of the knife, and all the knives below were broken.

"Anyone else wants to fight with me?" Ye Kai asked with a smile.

"Hmph, how dare a mere rogue warrior take care of his business? You wait!" The nobleman gave Ye Kai a cold look, turned and left.

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