"I'm very powerful, if you fight with me, you will be injured..." Yuyuko said softly.

"You are so cute...We are not monsters that eat people, I am an apostle, and she is from Penglai, so she doesn't eat people." Ye Kai smiled.

"Well, please don't pinch me..." Youyuko said with a flushed face.

Ye Kai stretched out his hands and rubbed it twice, before giving up, Youyouzi is really easy to talk.

"It really is a lecherous ground monster." Kaguya said with a look of disdain.

"Pinch you carefully." Ye Kaixu looked at Hui Ye.

"At worst, I will ask you to do more things for me." Hui Ye snorted.

She had always been confident in her appearance before, but the little girl she met before, or the one in front of her, were no less than herself.

Especially Yuyuko's milk volume in front of her is really too low!She looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she has grown so big. Is this for seducing men?

Hmph, Kaguya said that she is not rare.

"The Westbound Demon will be in full bloom in these two days. Please leave early. The Westbound Demon will absorb the souls of the living. When it grows to the limit, it will be very dangerous. I am afraid that many monsters will come to stop me. "Youyouzi said softly.

"Huh? Why do you want to stop you?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

In other words, isn't she afraid that Ye Kai and Hui Ye are here to stop her?This is too natural.

"Because, because the Westbound Demon will do more harm to human mages. If too many mages die, the monsters will eat people." Youyouzi said.

"That's it, Hui Ye, I'll take you back later. As for me, in order to thank Yuyuko for your hospitality, I'll stay here and help." Ye Kai thought for a while.

Such a cute Yuyuko, he doesn't want to see her become an undead!

I don't know, do I have the ability to reverse cause and effect?

"Is my concubine the kind of timid person?" Hui Ye put her face next to Ye Kai's ear and said softly.

As if playing a prank, she even blew into Ye Kai's ear.

In order to make Ye Kai fall in love with her, no matter how cruelly she abandons him and tortures him, Hui Ye is also going all out.

When she was in the lower realm, which of those men didn't show her great hospitality, wishing to give her everything?

Although I don't know how sincere it is, it is definitely not like Ye Kai, who treats himself like an ordinary friend.

"I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about your parents. If you don't come home at night, they will be afraid." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"That's right..." Hui Ye frowned slightly.

Taketori Ong and Taketori Po treated her very well and treated her like their own daughter.

If they don't come home at night, they are afraid they will go crazy.

"So, listen to me, I'll take care of this matter. Be good, I'll look for you later." Ye Kai patted Hui Ye's little head and said.

"Hmph, if you dare to break the appointment then you will die!" Hui Ye made a cutting gesture to Ye Kai's bottom.

Chapter 312 I'm full...

"How come?" Ye Kai shook his head.

"Miss, the food is here." Yaoji just came back at this time, and brought some food, some snacks, and drinks.

Ye Kai never knew what it means to be polite, so he picked up a pot of shochu and poured it into his mouth.

Yaoji frowned slightly, Ye Kai is too rude, isn't he?But looking at Yuyuko's appearance, he enjoyed it very much, so he didn't care.

"Can you tell me how to seal the Westbound Demon?" Ye Kai asked Youyouzi.

"When it's in full bloom, as long as I release all my mana and let myself sleep under it, I can use my special physique to suppress the Westbound Demon." Yuyuko said softly.

Ye Kai's face changed, Youyouzi didn't care about his own death?

"I disagree. Is there no other way? For example, kill it." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"No one can kill the Westward Demon. There is too much dead energy on it. Only my physique can swallow up the dead energy so that it will never bloom." Youyuko shook his head and said.

This is supposed to be the future, right?Yuyuko wanted the Saigoi Demon to bloom and revive the people below, so that person is herself?

But looking at her, it seems that she doesn't know it's her.

Youyouzi is only sixteen years old, so she shouldn't take on such a heavy task.

I don't know if Youxiang's sea-like monster power and vitality can be suppressed?

Now Youxiang doesn't seem to know her, if she goes to her rashly, she might be reduced to a flower manure.

Ye Kai untied the bandage on his left hand, and said softly, "Maybe, I can do it too."

I don't know if Buraxiu can swallow the Westward Demon?

"You hide too much darkness in your hands, plus the death aura of the Westbound Demon, you will die!" Youyouzi said.

"Don't worry, I won't, I'm an immortal." Ye Kai said proudly.

"The scariest thing about you Westbound Demon is that you can confuse people or monsters. At that time, you will become ignorant of your relatives and only know how to kill." Yaoji frowned.

It has to be said that he was moved by Ye Kai's words, if Ye Kai could kill Xixing Yao with his own hands, it would definitely be much better than Youyouzi's.

At least, Miss won't die here like this.

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