I don't know why, Youyouzi always feels that Ye Kai gives her a very kind feeling, as if she will be very safe by his side.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be indifferent if Ye Kai pinched his face and touched his head.

"Hey, Youzi, do you think there are people living on the moon?" Ye Kai looked at the moon and asked softly.

He doesn't know if what he sees is the real moon or the fake moon, but Kaguya is the princess of the moon, and the future Yaoji has also told him about the things on the moon, so he knows very well that there are really people living on the moon of.

It seems that, except for Kaguya's family and a small number of high-level officials, there are rabbits everywhere on the moon, and only Chang'e is their neighbor.

"I don't know, Brother Yuwen, why are you helping me?" Youyouzi shook his head blankly, and said to Ye Kai.

"I don't want to see you get hurt. As long as I live, no one will hurt you." Ye Kai smiled.

When she met Youyouzi for the first time, she robbed herself of a wild boar, and after seeing her eating like a squirrel, Ye Kai began to fall in love with this cute creature.

Remember that day, Kazami Youxiang came to look for you, right?Fortunately, Youyouzi sat on him immediately, otherwise Youxiang's aura would overwhelm him.

At that time, I was completely at the mercy of others, unlike now, I have been promoted to become a big monster.

Afterwards, whenever there is a banquet, Yuyuko will come to him for dinner, just like a habit.

Does Yuyuko have a 90+ favorability towards her current self, that is, Yu Wentuo, or a 90+ favorability towards Ye Kai?

Ye Kai is now a little confused about the cause and effect, he found that even if it is the current Youyouzi, it is very natural for the two of them to be close together.

Yuyuko's favorability is the only one he can't see through.

Youyouzi in the form of undead has too strong intuition. It didn't take long for Ye Kai to think that Ye Kai was Yu Wentuo, or Yu Wentuo's reincarnation, but Ye Kai's soul and magic power made her a little confused.

Yuyuko does things differently from Yakumo Zi, she never pays attention to proofs, she only talks about feelings!So she was nice to Ye Kai at the beginning, but later Ye Kai pinched her face and hugged her to sleep, she didn't even resist.

Ye Kai's current behavior is more like going back to the past and brushing up the 90+ favorability of the future, otherwise Yuyuko will not have so much favorability when he sees the new Ye Kai in Gensokyo in the future.

"Thank you..." Youyouzi lowered her head with a blushing face, rubbing the corners of her clothes with both hands.

Although she doesn't need Ye Kai's protection, it doesn't prevent her from relying on Ye Kai.

If there was really love at first sight in the world, would it be Ye Kai and You Youzi?It doesn't matter whether Yu Wentuo knew Youyouzi first, or Ye Kai knew Youyouzi first.

The two of them are always so natural together.

Monogamy or polygamy, Ye Kai has already seen through it, and at worst, he will be slapped with a hatchet. At most, he will go to Master Four Seasons to report a few more times.

If Tifa disagrees, then pester her until she agrees, not for one year for ten years, not for ten years for a hundred years, anyway, there is no end to everyone's lifespan...

"Is that girl who came together today your friend?" Yuyuko asked curiously.

"I owe her a few favors." Ye Kai said casually.

"What kind of favor?" Yuyuko asked.

"Well, I accidentally touched her hand and her head, and she fell for me." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"This will make girls misunderstand." Yuyuko lowered her head and said.

"I'm used to it. In my opinion, she is just a little girl. I used to have two young ladies in my family, and I often coaxed them like that, thinking that little girls like this." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"I... am I also a little girl in Brother Yuwen's heart?" Youyouzi felt a slip of the tongue after speaking, and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, we've only known each other for less than a day, so I'm being rude."

"One day? We've known each other for a long time, it's just that you don't know." Ye Kai laughed.

"Knowing... for a long time?" Yuyuko's face suddenly turned red.

Could it be that the sense of voyeurism I feel recently is Ye Kai peeping at me?This, this is so embarrassing.

Why is this person so rude, don't you know how to greet yourself?

Or... is he a voyeur?

No, brother Yuwen is not such a person.

Ye Kai didn't know yet, he somehow helped Yakumo take the blame.

"A guest has come, it seems to be an unexpected guest." Ye Kai suddenly stood up and stared into the distance.

The Meteor Meteor Knife had already appeared in his hand.

"There will be monsters attacking here every day, and monsters will stop them." Youyouzi said in a low voice.

If it weren't for the demon taboo, she doesn't know how many creatures she would have killed.

Those little monsters will die as long as they get close to her, so she doesn't need to take action at all.

"Wait, it doesn't look like a little monster. There are two powerful monsters approaching, and I can feel the fluctuations in the air. This is the ability to travel through space?" Ye Kai frowned.

This ability is so familiar!Why is it so similar to that guy Yakumo Zi's ability?It can't be such a coincidence.

If Zimei comes, he is no match!

Youyouzi picked up a tin stick beside him, nodded and said, "Well, it's very powerful... But, fighting is not good, what if you hurt the other party?"

"Girl, you are too sweet. By the way, does your tin rod have any special functions?" Ye Kai looked at Youyouzi who was holding the tin rod, and asked curiously.

"It's just an ordinary tin stick, I think everyone is using it." Youyouzi said with a blushing face.

"Uh... I think it's better for you to use a fan. Those who use tin sticks are all out of tricks." Ye Kai looked at the folding fan beside Youyouzi, and said in a deep voice.

This fan is extraordinary!

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