However, her clan was unwilling to let her take risks.

"Well, after a while I'm going to challenge the Tower of Despair. During the period, my two young ladies have no one to take care of them. I want to find someone to take care of their daily life." Ye Kai said, and handed Fran to Celia.

Celia's eyes are obviously heart-shaped. It seems that Fran's cuteness kills both men and women!

"Flan, be good, play with this big sister for a while." Ye Kai said softly.

Fran nodded, Celia smelled very good, and she looked like a very kind elf.

Celia took Fran, patted her little head, and said softly: "It's hard to refuse the commission of the sir."

"Boy, the Tower of Despair is not a good place, you have to think it through." Linus said while blacksmithing.

"Don't worry! I'm just trying my own strength, and I won't stay there to practice." Ye Kai said casually.

"These two children have a strong aura." Linus said intentionally or unintentionally.

"They are vampires, but they are very kind." Ye Kai nodded.

He could see that Linus was reminding Celia.

"Master Remy won't bully the weak!" Remy said proudly, puffing out her non-existent breasts.

Chapter 346

"Can I ask, why did you send out this commission?" Linus said indifferently.

When A-Gump came in, he looked at Ye Kai vigilantly, which made Linus a little suspicious.

The meaning of A-Gump's left eyes should be that Ye Kai is beyond his ability.

Why would he issue such a simple task for someone who even a Juggernaut can't handle?

"Because my eldest lady and second lady need someone to take care of them, if no one takes care of them, there will be problems." Ye Kai said indifferently.


"Hey, don't say it's the same as Master Remy is a child. Believe it or not, I stabbed you to death ten thousand times?" Remy said while hitting Ye Kai's head.

"Don't worry, Aganzuo, Lukexi, Seria, I hired together." Ye Kai showed a smile.

Linus breathed a sigh of relief.

He understood a little bit, it turns out that the two of them have good fighting power, but without Ye Kai's restraint, might they cause trouble?

If it is used by someone with a heart, it is really bad.

"How about it, Celia, would you like to help me, a stranger?" Ye Kai said to Celia.

He is not worried about Aganzuo and Lukexi at all. After all, both of them are professional adventurers, and they will complete the task seriously.

Especially in the current situation of Lukexi, the reputation of the dark elves is not good.

With her character of doing everything for herself, she will definitely complete this mission well, and then gain fame, take on more missions, earn more money, and heal her ghost hand.

"Mr. A-Ganzuo is a famous sword master in mainland China. It is very reassuring to have him around. These two children are very cute, and I am willing to take care of them. Then, sir, can you tell me what your name is?" Celia said softly.

"My name is Ye Kai, Ye Zi's Ye, happy to open." Ye Kai showed a big smile.

"Okay, after I send the things back, I will go with you." Celia smiled softly.

Ye Kai was stunned, he didn't expect Celia to agree, this time he just suggested casually.

After all, Celia is not the Celia in the game, she loves adventurers very much.

Although the magic fluctuations emanating from her body were not weak, she hadn't experienced any battles at first glance.

In fact, Celia is very clear in her heart.

Seeing Fulan and Remi's wayward looks, he knew what Ye Kai was worried about.These two children gave her a very dangerous feeling, even more dangerous than Utala, the Beastmaster of Grand Forest!

Celia is full of curiosity about them, so she wants to go and see them together.

Besides, she still knows A-Gump Zuo, the shadow of a famous tree, and A-Gump Zuo is not a bad person, that's enough to know.

Although Celia has not experienced any battles, her magic is not weak.

At this time, Lukexi suddenly covered his arm in pain, it seems that this is the attack of Kazan syndrome!

Celia had already sat beside Lukexi, comforting softly: "Please hold on, Lukexi, don't be defeated by pain!"

The elves are indeed a kind race, even the dark elves who are full of negative energy can be treated gently...

Just now Ye Kai said Lukexi's name, Celia also noticed.

"Thank you." Luke said painfully.

"It's done, I'll help you put it on, it might hurt a bit." Linus took the ghost binding just made, walked in front of Lukexi, looked at the ghost hand with open eyes, and said casually : "It's you, do you need to put it on?"

"Me? I don't need this." Ye Kai shook his head and said.

He only experienced the power brought to him by the ghost hand, not the pain.

Besides, Devil May Cry cannot be bound by ghosts and gods.

Linus didn't say much, nodded, and said calmly, "Help me hold her down."

When pretending to be a ghost, you will suffer a lot of pain. The normal way is to knock people out before pretending.

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