Taking care of them is probably not an easy job, at least you have to restrain your temper.

"Thank you." Lukexi said to Ye Kai.

Looking at the gold bricks on Linus's table, he knew it belonged to Ye Kai.

"It's okay, this is the reward you deserve." Ye Kai said casually.

"Are you okay? That's great." Celia said happily.

Lukexi nodded to Celia, and said in a complicated way: "Thank you."

Celia's pure eyes made her a little uncomfortable.

How could there be such a clean person in this world?No wonder everyone looked down on dark elves.

Compared with Celia's thorough thinking, she seemed too dark.

Only then did Linus notice Celia, and he patted his forehead and said, "Oh, I almost forgot that you still need to make some supplies for digging tree holes, so go here and go."

Celia quickly waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, you should rest for a while!"

Linus didn't use much effort just now, and said casually: "No, no, these materials are outside, I'll go out and get them."

The difficulty of binding ghosts and gods is that the material is difficult to find, so it is very expensive.There is nothing for daily necessities, and it will be ready soon.

After finishing speaking, he walked out in a hurry, and there was a sound of iron striking outside, which meant that Celia was busy with work.

Ye Kai saw that he had nothing to do, so he developed a good relationship with Celia.

As for Lukexi...Ye Kai doesn't want to play the game of influencing the dark elves, so I'd better leave this trouble to A-Gump.

Lukexi, on the other hand, has been researching her own ghost bondage.

Although Ye Kai didn't beat her, it was A Ganzuo who beat her.

Although the money was given by Ye Kai, not Forrest Gump.

But inexplicably, Lukexi prefers the taciturn and seemingly reliable Forrest Gump to the left.

Ye Kai chatted and thought of a question.

By the way, will you return to this world in the future?


So, what time period?


Well, is there any special meaning in this world?

[This is another main world, the blood jade core]

Ye Kai nodded secretly, and thought to himself: Can the money in this world become system gold coins?

[No, this world and the Gensokyo world are both the main world of the host]

[Theoretically, the continent of Arad is more important. The world of Gensokyo obtained the Kunlun mirror, which made the status of the two worlds equal]

Ye Kai narrowed his eyes, fortunately there is a grandpa!

Although there is Celia in this world, there are more girls in that world!

I grew up there, grew up there, and I can't do without Gensokyo for a long time.

If he had to leave Gensokyo, he couldn't do it.

Moreover, life in Gensokyo is so good, so peaceful, and there is no danger.

He is not afraid of danger, but afraid of trouble.

Especially in the continent of Arad, players can encounter plot characters intrigue.

Not for a while.

Linus built some axes and chisels and loaded them into a cart.

"Come out to get something!" Linus yelled.

Everyone came out together.

Celia bowed to everyone and said, "I'll go back to Gran's Forest first. When you need to leave, just send me a letter. There are people here who deliver letters to the elves."

"Go ahead, just remember to call me Ye Kai." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Okay, Ye Kai." Celia smiled.

After speaking, he casually called a coachman and asked him to pull those utensils and follow behind her, and gradually walked away.

When A-Gump came back at night, seeing that Ye Kai and the others were still the same as before, he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

It seems that he is overthinking Ye Kai's threat theory.

As long as Remi and Fran don't lose their temper, they get along very well.

Early the next morning.

"A-Gump, is there any place to go around here? It's boring to stay like this." Ye Kai said while playing cards with two lolis.

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