The vitality disappeared little by little.

Until it turned into ice crystals and disappeared.

All that was left was a small badge.

[Kill Eston of Ice, get 100% experience, the killer is a support soldier, get 20% experience]

Ye Kai raised his head, and Remy said proudly: "You're welcome, how could Lord Remy not cover up his servants?"

I just want to take a good picture of it!

High-tech or something, can you turn it off!

Chapter 349 Forgiveness


"Hehe, can I go in and walk around?" A free and easy young man walked to the entrance of the king's ruins.

"You... haven't you challenged yourself before?" Krent raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

"Don't you think that there is something wrong with today's ruins? The energy inside is very violent!" The visitor laughed.

"I don't think... wait, it's really a bit." Krent said in a low voice.

"What are you talking about? Speak up, I can't hear you clearly, can you be like a man?" The visitor asked, digging his ears.

"You guy... Forget it, go if you want, but the reward will not be given to you again." Krent snorted.

Anyway, the other party has to pay the ticket no matter what, and the adventurer inside died, and the equipment will become the energy in the ruins, and there is no way to pick up the missing ones.

The life and equipment of the adventurer are the source of energy to revive the monsters inside.This is also the reason why badges have been produced all the time.

If you are lucky, you can also get the magic items from their lifetime.If the adventurer dies to a certain extent, there will be a lot more after the energy is gathered into a badge.

The three people before are probably done playing, let him help with the investigation.

"Okay, okay, here are thirty soul crystals, put them away." Picking up the Ningshen charm, the young man walked in.

Fortunately, Ye Kai and the others were a group of three, so he wouldn't be blocked from getting in.

This kind of place can accommodate up to four people.

Krent rolled his eyes and ignored it. This familiar person is too annoying!

Forget it, who asked him to take out the ticket?Even if the leak is successfully picked up, it is the equipment after killing Borodin.

Inside, the three of Ye Kai didn't know that someone came in together.

Entering the gate of the fourth pass is two extremes with the third pass.It's very hot here, very hot, definitely over [-] degrees.

The King's Guardian Flame on the opposite side has already shed its skin.

Ye Kailun raised the Meteorite Knife and patted forward.


A huge fissure area with a radius of about [-] meters appeared under the King's Knight Flame, and the entire stone ground became piece by piece.

Afterwards, a violent blood energy soared into the sky, directly enveloping the King's Guardian Flame!

Ye Kai discovered it, if he wants to fight monsters, he must learn to go first!

Otherwise, they might want to rob monsters at any time, and they didn't recruit at all.

This thing can't attack too much at once, it's just right.

The king's guardian Yan died more aggrieved than before, and he never thought that he died under Ye Kai's psychology of robbing monsters.

At this time, the hot feeling disappeared and the normal temperature returned.

[Kill the Goulard of Flame, get 100% experience value]

[Name: Ye Kai.Race: ghosts and gods.Occupation: Ghost Swordsman (one sleep), level 51.Experience: 60%]

"It can be regarded as an upgrade, I haven't felt this way for a long time." Ye Kai said with emotion.

Although he has been upgraded, his mentality has not changed much.

After all, there are still two chances to become ghosts and gods, both of which were contributed by Xixing Yao.

Unless he is upgraded to level 24 in seconds, Ye Kai won't feel anything at all.

It's a pity that this system is too cheating, and Ye Kai misses those 999-level games.

In that way, he is not invincible rhythm?

Ready to open the next picture, Ye Kai told the two of them: "The next scene is a bit difficult. The king's guardian light likes to recruit younger brothers, and also likes to shine light to dazzle people's eyes. When he shines, he must turn his back , or close your eyes."

"What? It actually glows, Fran doesn't like it!" Fran puffed up her mouth and said dissatisfied.

"Then, you do it?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

The relics of the king that made outsiders frightened, it seems that as long as they are slow, they will not be able to grab the monsters.

"Watch Fran handle them!" Fran proudly patted her small chest.

That light was really annoying, and Ye Kai didn't refute it.

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