"China, when I can pay attention to important things, I will be able to recite them by heart." Meihong looked at Hong Meiling with contempt.


Huiyin stared at Meihong, and Meihong quickly waved her hands and said, "Well, it's not me, it's me. I understand Huiyin, don't get her forehead so close to me."


A headbutt.

Meihong suddenly turned into mosquito-repellent eyes.

"My name is not China! My name is... woo woo woo, I can't remember, fellow villagers must remind me when I apply for a job tomorrow." Hong Meiling scratched her head.

Anyway, the newspapers have registered it, and the paparazzi probably heard all those things verbatim, so why not talk about it now.

However, I didn't expect Teacher Huiyin to be so powerful. If it were him, even if he was slashed with a sword, Meihong probably wouldn't be able to break her defense.

Ye Kai's experience was told by him again.

"Wow, what an interesting ability, how many meals can I eat like this?" This is Yuyuko.

"It's amazing, fellow, but isn't that tiring? Anyway, I wouldn't do it for me. It would be nice to sleep at home." This is Hong Meiling.

"The next time you go out, remember to bring back more teaching materials, so that I can see how other worlds educate children." This is Huiyin.

Ye Kai said helplessly: "Can I have three meals at most? I know Teacher Huiyin."

"Hey, Ye Kai, we are all good friends. Remember to call me when you want to eat next time." Youyouzi moved to Ye Kai's side and hugged his arms. A big red face.

"I don't know how to contact you..." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

Yuyuko put a finger on her lips, and said softly: "Don't worry, as long as you prepare for the banquet a little longer, that crow will spread the news..."

Unexpectedly, Wenwen has this function.

"Well, big sister, if I go to school, what will my friends do?" Lumiya didn't quite understand Ye Kai's words, but she just felt very powerful.

After eating and drinking enough, she finally remembered that she still has friends...

"Are they all as old as you?" Huiyin smiled and touched Rumia.

"Big Fairy, Cirno-chan, Ligelu, that's them. Mystia is cooking hagfish recently, but I can't find them." Rumia counted with her fingers.

"Okay, let them all come together." Huiyin was not afraid of having too many students.

What she didn't know was that her head hammering skills would become better and better because of these stupid students...

"Teacher Huiyin, remember to start a new class, they are not suitable to go to school with other children." Ye Kai reminded appropriately.

"Why?" Huiyin asked suspiciously, she really wanted them to go to school together.

"Life." Ye Kai said helplessly.

The lifespan of goblins and monsters is many times longer than that of humans. Like Cirno and big goblins mentioned by Rumia, it can be said that nature is immortal and they will exist forever.

"Well, thank you Ye Kai, I almost ignored it." Huiyin showed a friendly smile.

Although her classes are rigid and her lectures uninteresting, she is by no means stupid.

The life spans of monsters and humans are so different that they really shouldn't be taught together.

"Hi, I enjoyed my meal today. I haven't had such an interesting banquet in Gensokyo for a long time. Sure enough, the banquet in Renzhi is not as good as a banquet with a group of monsters!" Hong Meiling sighed.

What everyone doesn't know is that there will be frequent banquets in the future, especially those who like to cause trouble for Lingmeng, and there will be more and more people...

Chapter 39 The Tyrant of Flowers

Bass, bass.

Ye Kai's rabbit ran over at this time and rubbed his trousers affectionately.

He smiled and touched the little heads of the rabbits, they are really cute.

"Well, if you like rabbits, it would be great to catch one Yinpandi or Lingxian." Meihong said drunkenly.

"Hey, isn't Lingxian a monster who often sells medicine in Renzhi? How can I catch this?" Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Tch, you brat without courage." Mei Hong gave Ye Kai a contemptuous look.

Ye Kai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, does this have anything to do with courage?


With a huge sense of oppression, everyone except Yuyuko and Hong Meiling frowned.

Strong, strong, super strong!

This is definitely a big monster, or the top one.

It's late at night now, who will visit at this time?

Everyone looked towards the door.

It was a girl with short green curly hair and red eyes. She was wearing a red and dark red plaid vest, a knee-length skirt of the same color, a yellow bow tie, and a white long-sleeved shirt. She was about the same height as Hong Meiling. They are all about [-] meters, and the bust is smaller than Yakumo Zi, and there is c by visual inspection.

Holding a parasol like a flower, she walked over gracefully.

"Feng... Feng Jian You Xiang?" Mei Hong frowned.

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