"Then what should they do?" A-Gump looked worriedly at Remi and Fulan who were drinking black tea and eating snacks in the distance.

"Leave the things to Master GSD, anyway, it's the four of us who are looking for them. By the way, I haven't seen Buvanga and Bahn for a long time." Xi Lan said with some emotion.

"No problem." gsd nodded.

People didn't look for him, and he didn't need to get on the pole to go there.

It's just that Lukexi is a little uneasy, and feels that something bad will happen if he goes there.

But since Forrest Gump said he was going, let's go and have a look.

"Let's go now, sooner rather than later, if the strange energy in the mourning cave affects outsiders, it will be bad." A-Gump left softly.

"Let's go say hello to the three girls. By the way, Lukexi, are you going? The empire didn't look for you this time." Xi Lan said softly.

"I...follow A-Gump." Lukexi said softly.

After finishing speaking, several people walked towards Celia and the others.

"Ah? Are you going to the Sorrow Cave?" Celia asked in surprise.

There, it is not far from their elves.

What if something goes wrong there...

Although the Four Sword Saints are very strong, they may not be able to solve everything!

At this time, Celia also became worried.

"Fate told me, if you go like this, something very bad will happen. If you want to solve it perfectly, just wait a day. Fate told me, Ye Kai will come out tomorrow." Remi looked like a little magic stick.

Just as they were about to refute, Fulan said faintly: "You'd better believe what my sister said. The one who didn't believe my sister last time, now the family has been turned into dust."

"Fate, don't you want to be so nonsense, how about my fate?" Xi Lan laughed.

"Your destiny is to marry a beautiful fortune teller with red eyes and long legs." Remy said deeply.

Chapter 361 Kiss Me

At the same time, the Tower of Despair.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting, you're hanging up again." Ye Kai let go of his choice while panting.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a talented person. You've been practicing with me here for so long, how do you feel?" Soderos withdrew the magic sword Clarice.

[Name: Ye Kai.Race: ghosts and gods.Occupation: Ghost Swordsman (one sleep), level 64.Experience: 30%]

In the first year, Ye Kai attacked the [-]th floor and mastered the four series of ghost swords.

In the second year, Ye Kai hit the ninety-sixth floor and met the strongest, Soderos.

Since then, Ye Kai has been fighting with Suo Ye all the time.

The two fought, had a drink, and now have a revolutionary friendship.

Ye Kai also understood Soderos' insistence.

He also knew the power of another sword god, that is the hundred-story sword Liang Yue.

There are always branches in his hands, and the bugs on them can't fall off when fighting with others.

Speaking of it, the two of them couldn't tell which was stronger and which was weaker. Although Liang Yue always used wooden sticks, it looked like she was releasing water.

However, what he pursues is not how powerful the sword is.

He and Soderos are proficient in tens of thousands of weapons, which are two extremes. He only needs a wooden stick.

Liang Yue breaks ten thousand spells with one sword, and Suo Ye can cover ten thousand spells with one sword.

"It feels pretty good! By the way, Lord Suo, your magic sword Clarice is very strong." Ye Kai said with emotion.

Soderos has long been used to Ye Kai's way of addressing him, and he doesn't struggle at all.

Only now did Ye Kai realize that it is a very stupid behavior to classify weapons according to the level in the game.

The extent to which the sword can be used depends not on the sword, but on the person.

For example, the Yilong sword, in the hands of Suo Ye, can get a desperate bonus.

He has a weapons tank with all the weapons he has collected.

The bonus of Yilong Sword, Suo Ye can achieve up to 1000%, not 60%.

The reason why the magic sword Apophis is so strong is because of the power of Sherlock attached to it.

The adventurers in the game are too weak to exert the full power of the magic sword.

That sword can absorb the vitality and blood of the adventurer, and use it as nutrients.

It can be said that the stronger the user is, the more nutrients he can provide to the magic sword, the stronger the magic sword will be!

"Hmph, your weapons are not bad, many of them are legendary swords." Soderos said indifferently.

He also couldn't understand why there were two Yilong swords in the world, and Ye Kai's was exactly the same as his!

These epic weapons, as well as artifacts, should be unique.

Even for Kalua, there is only one weapon he forges.

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