Now, what is the situation?Bane actually dumped her?

"Come back, I won't let you kill him for me!" Lynn shouted in despair.

But Bahn obviously has his own arrogance.

For an hour, for an hour, Lynn wandered restlessly.

She killed a few giant ants, but that didn't affect her uneasy mood.

She came this time for the melee.

Although her magical talent is very strong, she has no actual combat experience!

Bahn never thought that the person who could be sent here would be a greenhouse magician like her.

It can be said that her death in the original book is a tragedy.

"Is there anyone?" Lynn muttered softly.

Now, she dared not even shout out loud.

As for flying to high altitudes?She has thought about it.

But before an eagle circled the sky, it was greeted by countless giant moths and bees. They rushed to the sky and tore the eagle to pieces!

She trembled all over, not knowing what to do.

Are you going to die here?

"Huh? Aren't you with Bahn? Why are you on an order?"

At this moment, a voice that made her very disgusted before sounded.

But no matter who it is now, she doesn't choose now, she just wants to save herself.

She turned her head and saw Ye Kai looking at her strangely, the Meteor Star Meteor Knife in his hand was glowing with fiery light.

"Hmph, she must have been too rude and got dumped. You don't have the strength of Master Remy, but you want to imitate Master Remy's majesty?" Remy said with a look of disdain.

Fran also nodded, feeling the same way.

This guy dared to say that he and his sister deserved to be left behind!

Children, it is so clear between good and evil.

Immediately afterwards, something happened that Ye Kai couldn't understand, and Lin En flew towards him.

Seeing that she didn't condense her magic power, Ye Kai forgot to dodge for a moment.


Lynn actually hugged his thigh!

This is, there is an ambush?If there is an ambush, it is not enough for a mage to use his body as a control, right?

"Well, how much is the staff I broke? I really won't compensate you." Ye Kai said with a confused face.

Chapter 366

"Staff? No, I don't want a staff. I can give you the one I have now, or I can give it to you myself. Help me!" Lynn trembled.

At this moment, countless moths, fire bees, rushed towards Ye Kai!

It seems that just now, the voices of several people were a little louder.

There was a look of despair in Lynn's eyes.

She can deal with up to three of these things at a time.

There are more than a thousand of them coming now?

Ye Kai just wanted to make a move, but saw Lynn was still hugging her lap, it was not easy to kick her away at this time.

Judging by her terrified expression, these things should not be provoked by her to kill herself.

Fortunately, I have many fluctuation marks.

Don't move Mingwang array!

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Five spheres hovered above Ye Kai, no matter how many moths and fireflies came, they were all drawn into Ye Kai's attack range.

Unlike games, the killing range of this move is controllable, but the larger the range, the less powerful it is.

To deal with these mobs, expanding the range is enough.


An unbelievable thing happened to Lynn. Those moths and fire bees were all killed by Ye Kai's move, and none of them survived!

Is this the strength of the Juggernaut?

Before, she was alone in the dark forest looking for Bane's traces, but as time went by, she gradually changed from restlessness to despair.

Just when she was desperate, she bumped into Ye Kai by mistake, or rather, Ye Kai bumped into her.

This person who was too lazy to talk to her before and even destroyed her equipment.

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