"Ha, I know you are a man, but I, Bhuvanga, am not a coward. Let me show you the bravery of the Bantu people!" Bhuwanga laughed.

Ye Kai is full of black lines, these bastards, they won't leave unless he uses a special trick!

Heroism, so fucking... touching!

"I can still..."


A-Gump left's giant sword failed to protect him well, and was entangled by his hair again.

There's no way, he still has to protect Lukexi, unlike several people fighting on their own.

It is better to cut off one finger than to injure his ten fingers, and Sherlock obviously understands this truth.

Get rid of this guy first!

"Forrest Gump left!"

A shrill cry came from Lukexi's mouth, and a bunch of hair rushed towards A-Gump's abdomen, piercing a hole!


A mouthful of blood spurted out from A-Gumpuo's mouth.

Xi Lanbain turned pale with fright, and wanted to go to the rescue but was entangled tightly by the attack of hair strands!

Ye Kai let out a loud roar, and smashed the ground!

boom boom boom...

Countless blood and black energy burst out from the ground, almost burning Sirock seriously.

But now she has no intention of letting go of Forrest Gump, she would rather be hurt for another.

Without even thinking about it, Lukexi was about to untie the bondage of ghosts and gods, and half of it was undone. At this time, she actually planned to sacrifice herself and die with this apostle!

"You guys, get out!" Ye Kai roared.

Countless purple flames burned towards Xilock, and those hairs shrank back as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

click, click...

Ye Kai's muscles started to run wild!The blood is more vigorous!Phantoms of ghosts and gods appeared around him!

"Ghosts, let's go!" GSD roared.

This time, it's not about greed for life and fear of death.

Rather, ghosts and gods do not recognize their relatives!In the original book, it was already a miracle that Luxe could only attack Sherlock.

Deification of ghosts is the ultimate trick of ghost swordsmen to turn the tables.

GSD wanted to use it very much, but he was too rational, and had already suppressed Kazan's curse by relying on his cultivation.

Therefore, he can't be a ghost.

"Live for me!" Xi Lan shouted.

A Ganzuo just wanted to move, but found that the injury was getting worse and worse. It was Lukexi who helped him up.

Bahn, Buwanga, and A Ganzuo took a deep look at Ye Kai before leaving.

It's really you, this is what everyone thinks.

when they evacuated.

Ye Kai's figure suddenly disappeared, this is not a teleportation, but an illusion caused by too fast speed.

He flew over Xilock, and all the blood, ghosts, and various states in his body were released by him.

Extreme Sword Art: Meteor Falls!

Boom, boom, boom...

Ye Kai was like a bomber, countless lightsabers smashed towards Sherlock.

bang, bang, bang...

Three huge tombstones fell from the sky and surrounded Shilok in a triangle shape.

Greedy emotions surrounded Shilock, and a large swamp appeared here.


The three huge tombstones shattered at the same time, and Ye Kai also grew wings on his back.

click click...

There was the sound of glass breaking.

Eyes in the dark sky!

Boom, boom, boom...

The explosion of the tombstone's three Juezhen formations, accompanied by the shattering of the dark sky's wave eyes, and an extremely powerful force attacked Xilock.

Sherlock is not a westbound demon, she will not stand there motionless, her figure, like a ghost, floats around in the cave.

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