To be a monster is to have a big heart, eight hundred years is like eight months...

Ye Kai didn't even think about it, just drank four taels.

This is Cuixiang's way of expressing friendliness.

Both of them, in a sense, are informal people.

Ye Kai threw the wine gourd to Cuixiang, shook his hand and said, "I'm going to find Youyouzi."

"Youyuko is here too? That's just right, I'll find an opponent for Yongyi too! Haha!" Cuixiang laughed loudly.

Ye Kai suddenly had black lines all over his head, and secretly scolded himself for being cheap...

Could she be the only one in the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts?This isn't the future of Gensokyo either...

With that said, Cuixiang walked into the distance.

She didn't come here just to play.

The most important thing is to find someone to drink and make friends with!

The first half of the night belongs to humans, while the second half of the night belongs to monsters!

At that time, the monster will have a separate banquet, hosted by Yakumo Zi.

Those who want to participate can gather at the entrance of the village, and Cuixiang came here for this.

No matter how much a person can drink, how much can he drink?How can a monster drink boldly!

She thought that Ye Kai knew about this...

Looking at Ye Kai's expression, the rest of the human beings, except for a few, were grateful, and most of them were afraid.

Fear of mighty power.

Among people, there is no decent guardian at all.

Even Ye Kai couldn't protect them all year round, so they didn't feel safe.

The real sense of security, one is the Hakurei Miko under the Hakurei Great Barrier, and the other is Meihong and Huiyin who live in Renzhi.

They are all trustworthy guys.

It can be said that the era when Ye Kai was born was the best era.

The truly peaceful place in Gensokyo is only in this person, and it only looks peaceful.

There are countless flower fertilizers in the fragrant flower fields.

There are countless dead bones buried in the magic forest, which is the most dangerous place in Gensokyo now.

In terms of race, only the ghost race will not bully humans. After all, the ghost race is a race that likes to bully the strong...

Ye Kai shook his head helplessly, wanting to change is not something that happens overnight.

If Yakumo Zi can't do this well, then I will help her.

She is a monster sage, and she often has to take her identity into account, but she is not.

After thinking about it, Ye Kai returned to the previous booth and found that Youyouzi had disappeared.

Using vibrations to sense it, Yuyuko is not far away.

Ye Kai walked over calmly, and immediately, his head was full of black lines!

Youyouzi was actually drinking with a guy with big breasts and one horn at a small stall, and the stall was full of food.

Ye Kai walked over, patted Youyouzi, and said helplessly, "Didn't I tell you to wait for me?"

"But she said, if I drink with her, she will buy me something to eat!" Youyouzi innocently pointed at the big breasted elder sister Yu.

"Haha! My name is Xingxiong Yongyi. I never thought that I would meet such a drinkable undead here, so I want to drink a bowl of wine and make friends!" Hoshiguma Yongyi laughed.

Immediately, she suddenly felt that Ye Kai looked familiar.

"Huh? Aren't you the guy who fought with me more than [-] years ago?" Hoshigum Yongyi said in surprise.

That night, she basically paid attention to Ye Kai, Yakumo Zi, and Kazami Yuka.

As for Yuyuko, she really didn't pay much attention.

In addition, youyouzi was surrounded by undead at that time, and she didn't know that youyouzi was the master of the Xixing Temple family.

The westbound demon is only in the underworld.

They are ghosts, they will not go to the underworld.

"Sorry, it was too chaotic that night, I fought with everyone for a while, I forgot." Ye Kai smiled bitterly: "My name is Yu Wentuo, and I am Yakumo Zi, Yuyuko's friend."

"Ha, drink! We are friends too!" Xingxiong Yongyi raised his bowl to Ye Kai.

"It's better to be respectful than to obey!" Ye Kai already knew the way to communicate with the ghost clan, so he should treat her as Cuixiang anyway.

In other words, they are both ghosts, one with the world in mind, one with a plane taking off, one with sister Yu, and one with loli, the gap is really big.

Goo-dong, goo-dong.

The two drank six bowls in a row, and both exhaled foul breath.

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