"Well, Mistress Sakuya, what should I do?"

The crowd had already dispersed, and the fairy maids had to change into the maid's clothes first, and then Sakuya would tell them what to do.

Their rooms are on the shallow floor, not very complicated, and no matter how stupid they are, they can find them.

As for Hong Meiling, she naturally stood with her arms crossed and looked majestic at the door.

"Practicing swords and patrolling in the yard is fine. Anyway, our pavilion master only acts at night. If there is no major action, you will be fine. When you need to fight, you will be notified. Do you want to live here or go home? "Saki Ye said indifferently, it seemed that it was not surprising that Ye Kai would come to her at a meeting.

She is now very curious about Ye Kai's lifespan, which is related to whether Ye Kai can succeed in a hundred years, after all, his left hand is not what a human should have.

Ye Kai thought for a while and said, "I'd better live here first, after all, I'm new here, so I need to be more familiar with the environment."

"Okay, I'll arrange a room for you later. Don't rush into the place where the forbidden area sign is hung. If you offend someone you shouldn't, I can't protect you. Also, the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is a vampire, but apart from the Scarlet Devil Mansion All other vampires are enemies, and there will be missions tonight." Sakuya said indifferently.

Ye Kai nodded, it seems that these two groups of vampires from outside are very difficult to deal with, and the other group of vampires are in the mountains behind, a little distance away from Monster Mountain.

Monster Mountain, Scarlet Devil Mansion, and Castlevania form a wonderful triangle.

"By the way, I will draw a tube of blood on your body in a while. It will not endanger your life. I will give you a silver coin for a tube of blood, okay?" Suddenly, Sakuya said this, and her hand also Inexplicably, there is a huge needle tube, looking at the volume, at least 500cc.

In other words, isn't a normal person 200-400cc?Is this really okay?

"Well, isn't this unhealthy?" Ye Kai said in a cold sweat.

"The blood bank's reserves are insufficient, and the eldest lady also likes to drink fresh ones, so it's up to you, um, I'll give you three silver coins." Sakuya said indifferently.

"Deal!" Ye Kai looked bitter.

He had a feeling that if he didn't obey, the head maid would secretly come to smoke at night.

Or draw blood after time stops?

What he didn't know was that Sakuya's so-called manipulation of time means that he can stop time and only he can move, can slow down the flow of time to achieve ultra-high-speed movement, and can accelerate the flow of time to change the existence of objects ability.

Touching something will resume the normal time flow, so the blood draw doesn't exist after time stops.


Ye Kai was drawn 500cc of blood just like this. If he was a normal person, he would have been dizzy, but he was still alive and kicking, and he was not affected at all.

With his recovery ability, it is estimated that it will be as if he has never smoked in a few hours.

Seeing Ye Kai like this, Sakuya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that there is no need to go to Renzhili to buy blood.

The war hasn't happened yet, and we can't tear ourselves apart with the monsters or managers here, so we can't catch the blood donors.

If you buy blood, you will inevitably have to deal with the people inside, and it may not be healthy.

As for the money for Ye Kai?The Scarlet Devil Mansion has nothing but money, and the money is too much to count!

However, the blood still needs to be tested by Paqiuli to see if it is poisonous, healthy or not, so it cannot affect the eldest lady.

"Are you a longevity species?" Suddenly, Sakuya asked.

"Yeah, it seems that the time to live in one world is not a problem." Ye Kai can naturally feel the changes in his own life. He feels that he, like Mei Hong, will live forever, but he doesn't know when his body will stop growing.

I hope I won't be too old, and I hope I won't stop until now. I'm too skinny due to malnutrition. If I'm too old, I might as well die if some functions are lost.

I don't know how those monsters who have been the assistants for so many years can bear it. Changing Ye Kai will definitely not be able to bear it.

Of course, he had long neglected that he had been a virgin for nearly forty years, two lifetimes added up...

Sakuya nodded and said, "Come with me."

Ye Kai hurriedly followed.

The two entered the Scarlet Devil's Mansion and found that it was bigger than it looked from the outside. It should be the magic of space, right?It's amazing.

The two turned around, like walking in a maze, and went down several stairs.

Finally, it stopped at the door of a gate.

The words are divided into two parts.

Because of Ye Kai's relationship, Yakumo Zi is planning to extradite a group of outsiders, or to increase the production of the population.

Traveling through two more worlds, I am afraid that more humans and monsters can be supported.

As for the development of science and technology, human beings do not believe in monsters?Now I am not afraid of this at all, Ye Kai will bring a world of awe every time he walks, and denying it will be blocked by the Great Barrier.

As long as they control the human mind in Gensokyo and limit the development of technology, they cannot deny the monsters.

In terms of proportion, Yakumo Zi will grasp it well.

After all, there are less than [-] people, so it feels like they are completely in a cage!

Expand to [-], right?Expand slowly, don't act too hastily, wait until Gensokyo is bigger.

It is said that he can bring people back?

At that time, I should also tell Ye Kai that if you want to bring monsters, humans with special abilities are not allowed to bring too many. If you bring back a group of demon masters, she Yakumo Zi will kill people, otherwise it will definitely affect humans and humans. Monster balance.

And what about the savior Ye Kai?

Ye Kai held three silver coins in his pocket, and he was very happy. He made three hundred coins in less than a day, so he can make a fortune just around the corner!

As for the embarrassment of selling blood to make money?Ye Kai really didn't think about it.

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