If Huiyin is usually in the thirties, then Bai Zehua's is in the forties!Plus by surprise...

Huiyin dodged the punch decisively.


A headbutt of love!

The younger sister's red eyes suddenly turned into mosquito-repellent eyes.

"Oh hehehe...Meihong passed out, and still want to go to the moon? Let's climb to the peak of bliss with my old lady!" Huiyin picked up Meihong, and ran towards the house she just bought in Renzhili... …

Lake of fog.

"The time has come, the realm of illusion and reality." Yakumo Zi gently placed her hand on the lake.

"Now, if you jump from here, you will go directly to the moon?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

"Well, that's right. Everyone, the conquest of the moon has begun." A sneer hung on the corner of Zi Yakumo's mouth.

Immediately, the first one rushed towards the moon in the lake!

Chapter 385


Since ancient times, there have been two moons, one is a false moon that people can see in reality, and the other is a real moon.

On the real moon, lived the Yueyejian family, countless retainers, and guards.

There are two types of guards, one is an attacking team mainly composed of male warriors, and the other is a long-range attacking force mainly composed of moon rabbits.The Moon Rabbit Clan is also the most important moon resident.

Well, it's the moon rabbits, not the night rabbits, so there are a lot of them, and they won't kill each other.

On the moon, there is a huge city, the capital of the moon.

That was Kaguya's house, the lair of the moon dwellers.

Residents of the moon must be people without filth, and Kaguya was exiled to the ground because he was contaminated with the filth of the Horai medicine.

They look down on the inhabitants of the ground and the monsters on the ground, thinking that those things are filthy.

Filth takes eternity from matter and life, and at the same time gives them longevity. Everything on earth is more or less filthy, so almost nothing exists forever.

But in the capital of the moon, there is almost no filth, so the people of the moon can have unlimited lifespans.

The Moon City is a fairly well-established city.Long ago.Materially and technically, it has reached a considerable height.But what the people of the moon are most afraid of is that humans on the ground will reach the moon, because they are afraid that the humans on the ground will become interested in going to the moon capital, and they are afraid that those in power will target the moon capital.

The earliest people of the moon was Master Yue Yejian, who led his people to leave the earth and settle on the moon.And with the help of Yayi Yonglin, the moon capital was built, and this is how the moon is prosperous today.

All around the city are tall city walls, and many places have been attached with enchantments.

There is even a huge barrier covering the entire moon capital.

On the top of the city wall, there are not dense guards, but countless cannons!

In the core of the city, there are even weapons for interstellar warfare.

Not far from the city is the sea water on the moon surface, which reflects the earth, which is also the key for everyone to come here.

In the huge gap, Ye Kai and Yakumo Zi first appeared on the moon.

Immediately afterwards, there was an army of countless monsters!

"It looks like that, this so-called Moon City." Ye Kai looked at the modern or interstellar city wall, Tao Kan said.

"How about we split into two groups? You lead one team, I lead the other, and we go straight into the city." Yakumo Zi covered half of her face with a fan, and said softly.

Yakumo Zi discovered that there were two loopholes in the enchantment covering the Moon Capital, which were just right.

"No problem." Ye Kai nodded.

A bloodthirsty smile hung on his face.

Although it is possible to be blasted into ashes, it is also possible to catch the opponent by surprise.

Looking at the aurora in the sky, Ye Kai is ready.

hum, hum...

Two huge gaps appeared, and many monsters disappeared immediately, leaving only a few guards of the gaps.

When the time of the full moon passed, those people couldn't go back even if they wanted to go back.

Think about it in another way, as long as the moon is shot down, it doesn't matter whether you go back or not.

The capital of the moon, the palace.

A pair of sisters walked towards the palace, their pace was very fast.

One of them, Toyohime Mitsuki, has waist-length blond hair and golden eyes.

The clothes on his body are white long-sleeved, wide-fronted shirt-like clothes on the inside; on the outside, he wears a blue jumpsuit like a suspender dress with shoulder straps only on the left shoulder.

There are 8 buttons in the middle seam of the front, and only 4 of them are fastened. There are no empty buttons below the knees, so the skirt part is like a slit skirt, with the legs exposed.

On her head, wearing a white hoop hat, pink.

In her hand, she held a folding fan, and in the other hand, she held a peach, and she ate it as she walked, which showed that she loved it very much.

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