"Watch me live broadcast!"

The monsters rushed towards the group of elite rabbits.

There was a sneer on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, although these rabbits were no different from those warriors before, even weaker.

But... they are well equipped!

When Ye Kai used to play dnf, level 60 was still in the age of technology. Later, version 70 and version 80 gradually transitioned to the era of equipment, or the era of local tyrants.

In reality, the era of equipment is more appropriate.

Everyone is indeed standing on the same starting line, but some have to pull cars, and some directly drive Ferraris to soar.

That group of Moon Rabbits is, their equipment bonus can at least make them twice as strong as the previous ones!

These monsters are going to die...

Remy took out the popcorn, sat with Fulan, and watched Ye Kai quietly.

They can't fight, it's like... watching a movie, they can do whatever they want, but they can't have any impact on the surrounding environment.

The corners of Ye Kai's mouth couldn't help sobbing, the eldest lady and the second lady, why do they always feel like they are watching a monkey show when they are fighting?

Forget it, what can I do, of course I choose to forgive them!

Who made them so cute.


Just as Ye Kai was thinking wildly, a sword light struck!


The two made a move, and their strength was equal.

Only then did Ye Kai see the person who came, he looked a little like Hui Ye, holding a long and narrow katana sword with a red handle in his hand, staring at Ye Kai coldly.

"Great Master of the Sui Dynasty, Yu Wentuo." Ye Kai said softly, and rushed towards Yiji.

"Mianyue Yiji." Seeing that the other party had reported her name, Yiji didn't hesitate and turned back.

Immediately, Ye Kai saw Yiji stabbing the ground with the knife...

bang, bang, bang...

Around Ye Kai, countless blades suddenly appeared, surrounding him.

This is the power of Lord Gion, one of the so-called eight million gods.

"What a strange ability, I feel like it doesn't belong to you." Ye Kai flew up, drew his sword and slashed, and all the blades were cut off by Ye Kai!

"It's just the power of the gods!" It was the first time Yiji saw someone crack her ability so forcefully.

Moreover, Ye Kai's sword-drawing slash, after using it, Ye Kai's strength seems to have improved a lot.

There is no way, Baishou's skills are all percentage damage, so it gave her this illusion.

"Heh, eight million gods? It's interesting. If you can summon my Huaxia gods, I will give up immediately. But the gods you can summon now, I don't know how capable they are?" Ye Kai sneered.

To be honest, he actually looks down on the eight million gods of the island country. Do you have that many people?Just come up with so many gods.

Counting them together, I don't know if it is enough for Brother Hou.

Are your ghosts considered gods?don't count...

"Try it and you'll know..." Mianyue Yiji raised her sword.

clap clap...

Near Ye Kai, it started to rain suddenly, just covering him!


Thunder sounded!

Thunder on the moon?You are fucking kidding me!

However, there seems to be air on the current moon, not a false moon.

In that case, it is not surprising...


The thunder and lightning suddenly turned into an eight-headed flame dragon, rushing towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai didn't hide, he let the eight flame dragons get close.

Yiji didn't relax at all, even if Ye Kai fell into an absolute disadvantage now, she didn't stop.

Don't underestimate any opponent, no matter how weak the opponent is.

Yiji has always adhered to this belief.


Her figure flew towards Ye Kai in mid-air.

Holding the Taidao tightly in his hand, as if he wanted to decapitate Ye Kailai!

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