For monsters with nightmare difficulty, Ye Kai said that there is no pressure at all.

Even if he is asked to go to the difficulty of hell now, he doesn't care, anyway, he has two cheats with him.

"So? I don't know much about it or not." Ye Kai said inexplicably.

"Different from the Rogue camp, Lugoin is a real kingdom, and a very prosperous one at that. The people inside may not be as strong as us. Their king has autonomy. You know, you guys The three don't look very human, and may be rejected." Akara said deeply.

"I'm afraid, it's a bit difficult. We must enter the city." Ye Kai frowned slightly.

If you don't go to the city, you can't get to the sanctuary, and you can't get to Warlock's Canyon.

If you want to kill Duriel, you have to enter the city. This is an unsolvable problem.

"At that time, I will go to negotiate with the king of Lu Gaoyin... I still know some sages in their country." Kane said in a deep voice, "Don't start a conflict!"

Kane was not worried about the safety of Ye Kai and the others, but the safety of Lu Gaoyin's thousands of professionals.

Lu Gaoyin's soldiers consisted mainly of mages and knights, and the rest were mercenaries with spears.

As for druids, assassins, and Amazons, these professionals obviously don't like deserts very much.

As for the savages, they have their own system.

Although the professionals in Lu Gaoyin are all less than [-]th level, there are many people around the [-]th level, but they can only do defense now, and they can't organize effective offense at all.

"Try your best, as long as they don't provoke me." Ye Kai smiled.

I used to think it was too simple, but now that I think about it, it's a bit troublesome...

Tyrell is an angel.

Humans here repel demons.

But the eldest lady and the second lady must take it with them.

This is... a problem that cannot be solved.

If it's a few worlds away, it will be much easier to come by yourself when the world line of Gensokyo is completed.

Ye Kai had a premonition that the days to come would not be too boring.

Leave the rest to Kane. If this guy can't solve it, he can only go slanted.

Chapter 394 Desert

Early the next morning, Ye Kai and others set off.

This time, there are Ye Kai, Remy, Fran, Dutch, Lai Wei, Robert, Ada, Kane, and Warriv.

The rest are some caravan accessories and Warriv.

In the game, Kane's old back flashes away, and everyone has reached the second scene, but this is obviously not the case now.

Fortunately, Warriv gave up his carriage to the professionals.

Robert's hand recovered, and he was in a state of excitement. Instead of nestling in the car, he followed the large group outside.

The same is true for Dach, his body cannot be carried by a carriage.

Ye Kai saw that all the girls were inside, and he was the only guy who was not good, so he also came out.

After half a day.

hum, hum...

The wind and sand all over the sky made some people unable to even open their eyes.

Fortunately, everyone is wearing clothes that are suitable for walking in the desert.

Ye Kai and Kane looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

I can only stop and rest for a while.

"Everyone stop, wait for this gust of wind to pass!" Warriv yelled.

He obviously also saw that the wind was so strong that he couldn't move forward for the time being.

Ye Kai felt a little helpless, it would be great if he could fast-forward like in the game.

"Kane, how many days are we going to go?" Ye Kai leaned on the wheel of the carriage, with his left leg bent, his right leg straightened, and his left arm resting on his left leg.

In his right hand, he held a water jug ​​and drank it sips.

The only advantage of this caravan is that Ye Kaizai doesn't have to worry about the burden of food and water.

If it wasn't for those goods that Ye Kai was worried about, he would have put away the goods for them too.

In case it is converted into gold coins by the system, Nawarif has nowhere to cry.

"It will take at least half a month." Kane sat cross-legged next to Ye Kai and said in a low voice.

"Those guys, looking at the eyes of Remy and Fran, they are really scared! If Lai Wei and Ada were not sitting inside, I'm afraid they would not stop walking, right?" Ye Kai said softly.

"Yeah, they can accept angel wings, but they can't accept demon wings." Kane said helplessly.

"This time, I'm afraid it really won't go well." Ye Kai frowned slightly.

In that case, he could only sneak into the city, or even the palace, with Remy and Fran, and then go to Warlock Canyon.

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