I could still see the back before, but now I can't even see the taillights.

The gap is completely different!

I'm afraid that even if Ye Kai stood there and let them poke at him casually, they wouldn't be able to break through Ye Kai's defense.

"I don't know, are there enough monsters in this world for Fran to play with?" Fran said naively, and said very scary words.

Lai Wei's head is full of black lines, why does she feel that Fran is more like coming to destroy the world?

Chapter 395 The Unholy Paladin

After half a month's journey, everyone finally arrived at Lu Gaoyin.

Different from the small cities in the game, Lu Gaoyin is a serious big city with a population of about [-].

Ye Kai took Remi and Fulan and sat outside the magnificent city wall, waiting for Kane to negotiate.

Pedestrians entering the city saw the strangeness of Ye Kai and the others, and no one dared to approach them.

Those professionals didn't think too much, but looked at the three of them in confusion.

The three of them certainly didn't look like normal humans.

But it is not the same as the black air emanating from the monster.

What camp is this?

"Brother Ye Kai, Ada and I went in first, our uncle is in this city." Robert said excitedly.

"Go, go." Ye Kai waved his hand and said with a smile: "You all go and play, I can't lose here."

"There's nothing interesting in the city. I hate deserts, and I prefer more jungles." Lai Wei said indifferently.

"There are not many Daqi's fellow clans here, Daqi is outside to accompany the boss!" Daqi patted his chest and said.

"Don't irritate them, they have families and mouths, do you know where your parents live?" Ye Kai asked Robert.

"Well, yes, we have a map!" Robert laughed.

Ye Kai waved his hand, signaling them to go in quickly.

Robert and Ada, not too pretentious, entered the city.

The joy of meeting her loved ones soon overwhelmed everything else.

Ye Kai, Fulan, and Remy were drinking iced drinks under a huge parasol, very comfortable.

Those professionals who passed by were very envious.

"Hey, kid, what are you drinking? I'll exchange wine with you!" At this moment, a strong man walked over with a large bottle of wine.

Judging by his clothes, he should be a paladin.

"Wine? I don't need it." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

The wine he took was not much left, and it looked inferior.

The people around looked at this side curiously, not knowing what would happen.

The professionals here are not as simple as Lai Wei and the others.

Sometimes for the sake of profit, even if you don't kill people to seize treasures, you will rob.Of course, it is a newly released magic item, not something worn on the body.

After all, there are too few professionals, and the biggest rule is not to kill each other!

However, if the robbery is in a place like a cave, the kingdom can't control it.

No way, you have no evidence!

Naturally, these professionals do not kill each other not because of regulations, but because they still have a little conscience left, fearing that if they fight each other too hard, the whole of Lu Gaoyin will fall.

This kind of mode of robbing each other and staying on the front line has gradually evolved into an unspoken rule.

The paladin also saw that Ye Kai and the others were foreigners, and felt bullied, so he wanted to come up and test the waters.

If you hit the iron board, you can go to the city to seek asylum.

If you pinch soft persimmons, see how much juice you can squeeze out.

As for Lai Wei and Dutch?At first glance, there are two children.

"Oh! I'm a Paladin of the [-]th level! Kid, keep your eyes bright." The Paladin said dissatisfied.

Immediately, he sharpened his sword with a huge golden shield.

Ye Kai wondered to Lai Wei: "You paladins, are there such shameless ones?"

Lai Wei chuckled, Ye Kai didn't take the other party seriously at all!


A long sword as hot as a flame appeared in Fran's hand in an instant.


The shield was like paper, and it was pierced through.

Fran's sword was almost on the paladin's neck.

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