It has to be said that it is a miracle that it can barely maintain and still attack.

Slowly, Robert and Ada walked to the area of ​​professionals. The people here are basically paladins and mages, with a small number of druids and assassins.

There is only one necromancer, and he lives in a very remote place.

Robert found a house, checked the address, and said to Ada: "Uncle should live here, and I haven't seen him for almost ten years."

"Well, my uncle hugged me when I was young." Ada smiled.

Boom, boom, boom.

Robert knocked on the door.

Not long after the two of them waited, the door creaked open.

A woman in her forties opened the door.

"Excuse me, who are you?" the woman asked softly.

"My name is Robert Green, and her name is Ida Green. We are here to find Uncle Metheus Green." Robert said politely: "Look at you, are you... Aunt?"

"Robert? Ada? Is it you?" The woman froze for a moment and opened all the doors.

There was no joy on her face, but some sadness.

She hasn't seen Robert and Ada for a long time, but they still have shadows from their childhood, she has no doubts.

What's more, their family has nothing to draw.

"Come in." The woman sighed and led the two into the room.

Suddenly, there was an ominous premonition in the hearts of the two of them.

This is a two-storey house with two rooms on the top and a kitchen, bathroom and living room on the bottom.

A child who looked to be only about six years old was sleeping on his stomach on the table.

The woman said to the two: "Your uncle died in battle when he explored the Temple of Death four years ago."

Her voice was very low, and there was not much sadness in it.

After all, it's been too long...

She is used to the days when there is no husband but only children.For a woman with children, even if she wants to remarry, it is not easy, and she does not have an alluring appearance.

"What?" Robert's face suddenly became extremely pale.

Although he often heard that professionals died in battle, he never thought that it would happen to the people around him.

Ada's face was also pale, as if she couldn't accept it.

However, you have to accept whether you can accept it now, after all, it has happened.

The woman sat on the stool, poured a glass of water for the two, and said softly: "At that time, we went to a team of [-] people, and only one person escaped. The monsters in the ground seem to be endless."

Robert and Ada sat down, suppressing their sorrow and said: "Why did you want to explore there, uncle?"

Fortunately, their relationship is not very deep, and they haven't seen each other for ten years. If it were Robert's father, he would probably go crazy to seek revenge from monsters.

Ada's eyes slowly shed tears.

The appearance of Flavius ​​dying in front of her reappeared in her mind.

In this world, human life is really worthless.

"There is a legend that the Horadric Cube is buried there. With that thing, the Horadric Staff can be synthesized. The other two items needed for the Horadric Staff, the Viper Necklace and the King's Staff have been recovered. It took ten years for these things, and countless people died. Whenever there are enough professionals, a group of professionals will go out to explore. Because we want to take back the world that was taken away by monsters." The woman held the water bottle His hand suddenly exerted force.

Robert and Ada, it was obvious that the women were very excited now.

"But, is this not good now? Why do we have to go out to explore? The monsters can't break through Lu Gaoyin's city wall now, and there are people cleaning up the area regularly. Why, why is there no one to consider for us?

He is a hero, but what is the treatment of a hero?After his death, the property rights of the house were only left for five years.Next year, Rocky and I will move to the downtown area.The monthly subsidy is only enough to make ends meet, and it simply cannot allow Rocky to learn the skills of a professional.Forget it, even if he can learn it, I won't let him learn it.That way, at least he can live longer. "The woman gritted her teeth.

Ada and Robert knew that this was an unsolvable proposition.

If you don't keep attacking monsters, the world will fall sooner or later.

Now this method can only achieve the effect of delaying.

For the sake of future generations, professionals are duty-bound.

If it weren't for the uncle and aunt having a child late, the child has just grown up now and can be used as a supplement.

It sounds ridiculous, when professionals reach their forties, it is time to die.

If the crusade is successful, then you can become some mentors. After all, with meritorious deeds, no one will force you to crusade against monsters.

Professionals, in front of the entire human race, are consumables.

But, without them, where would the present peace come from?

Lu Gaoyin's situation is not bad, at least he can stop the attack.

If it were any other place, just defending now would kill people.

With great power comes great responsibility...

Lu Gaoyin wants to open the way and send professionals to the front line, because there are more powerful guys ahead.

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