Obviously, everyone was not easily incited by Thor.

It seems that this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

"It's really a demon! Come out with me and have a look. They have demon wings, and one has demon arms. They just haven't fully evolved into demons! Those soldiers know how to watch, and the passing professionals don't care. , Now is the time for us to protect civilians!" Thor said anxiously, and he didn't look like he was lying at all.

"Tch, I don't want to make a trip in vain."

"Well, you guys are too unreliable."

"That is, in order to show off and blackmail newcomers, you can do anything."

"If they don't have the characteristics of a demon, I will contribute all my property and equipment!" Thor said, took off his armor, and threw his weapon on the ground.

The crowd slowly gathered together, doubtful.

If Thor breaks his promise this time, they will really take away his equipment and not return it to him.

If you find a venue, isn't the price too high?

Equipment is the life of a professional!

The reason why Thor is confident this time is that he really didn't lie, and the three of Ye Kai do have the characteristics of demons.

A burly bald paladin pushed aside the crowd, walked out, put away Thor's equipment, and said calmly, "Then let's go out and see if the other party is really a demon."

Anyway, it's just a look, if it is, then the fun will be great!

The devil is staying at the gate of the city, and no one is attacking it?

This, no matter how you look at it, is suspicious.

Nearly two hundred paladins, Haohao Tangtang followed Thor out.

And what about Ye Kai?He didn't know at all, he was still chatting with Robert and others.

"You mean, the Horadric Cube was not found, but the rest have been found?" Ye Kai asked with some doubts.

Sure enough, you can't use the experience of the game as an example!

These people are real and have the ability to move the process forward.

Fortunately, the most critical things are not in their hands.

All he asked for was money and Horadric Cubes.

"Well, there are two other things about the king. You can't register as a professional today, you have to do it tomorrow." Robert nodded and said, "This city is really cruel. Five years after the death of a professional, the property must be recovered."

"It's understandable that the number of professionals has been increasing, but there are only so many houses. Of course, we have to find a way. Even if we take back all the houses of the nobles and tear down the king's palace, it will not be enough to accommodate them." Ye Kai pondered: "Professors It is easier for the descendants of children to become professionals, as long as they keep working hard to make their children become professionals, they will always live in the area of ​​​​professionals."

"Although I said so, it still feels cruel." Robert whispered.

"No rules, no rules, if the strong don't get more resources, why should they risk their lives for you?" Ye Kai shook his head and said.

"Thank you, Brother Ye Kai, I understand. We will liberate Lu Gaoyin, right?" Robert whispered.

"Of course! However, there are many creatures that are not monsters at all, but just mutated monsters. My wave is more suitable for finding monsters..." Ye Kai frowned.

"Even mercenaries can deal with that kind of monster, brother Ye Kai, you don't have to worry about it." Robert said in a deep voice.

"Understood, the main thing is Duriel, right? If you kill him, you can move on." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said.

These people probably don't know yet that the angel has been imprisoned. They only know that Barr has been released, leaving Duriel to guard something.

If I knew it, I wouldn't be so leisurely.

In fact, in the original book of the game, in theory, the ancient tomb of Tal Rasha is looking at Baal, and the purpose of going to the second act is to kill Baal, otherwise it should not stay.

However, in Ye Kai's Diablo, because of the existence of Duriel, the fish in the sea are somewhat mutated.

Going out to sea has become very difficult, and those who have gone there have never returned.

Although this setting baffled Ye Kai, he still accepted it.

Anyway, in this world, fighting is the right thing to do, why think so much?

Ordinary monsters don't have black energy, and magic gold coins won't appear, as long as they know this.

So as not to do useless work.

"My servant, when are we going to leave? It's so boring." Remi said weakly, lying on Ye Kai's head.

Just as Ye Kai was about to speak, he felt a large group of people cheering out of the city gate, as if they were about to fight.

"It's those three demons!"

Chapter 399 Conflict

"Hehe, are you looking for a place?" Ye Kai looked at the crowd of professionals in front of him in surprise.

The levels are all between 20 and 30, and few reach level [-].

Are these weak chickens here to deliver food?

"Look, the devil's arm, and the devil's wings!" Thor pointed at Ye Kai and the three of them and shouted.

The bald paladin returned the equipment to Thor, and said with a puzzled look: "But they don't have the breath of a demon, what's going on, it's not magic at all."

"Maybe it was hidden, maybe it hasn't evolved to that point yet! They just sit here, there must be a conspiracy!" Thor said anxiously.

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