Provocation again and again, do you really think you can't kill?

In this troubled world, who instilled such naive ideas in him.

"You!" Akai stepped back three steps.

He pointed at Ye Kai, cold sweat streaming down his head.

He didn't see clearly at all how Ye Kai shot just now.

Ye Kai pierced through the shield and Thor's body.

It's as easy as cutting tofu with a knife.


The purple flame slowly burned Thor's body to ashes.

Ye Kai sneered: "If you want to start a war, feel free."

Robert frowned slightly, feeling that Ye Kai had gone too far.

However, Ye Kai's previous words resounded in his mind again.

Robert, he is still at a confused age...

Lai Wei obviously didn't have Robert's complicated thoughts.

She is much simpler than Robert. Amazon originally believed in the law of the jungle.

What about Dutch?Just do it!

All the professionals looked at Ye Kai's eyes changed, attacking aura, defensive aura, all turned on!

Blessing is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Ye Kai's eyes widened, and only then did he realize that this is how knight skills are used.

They were originally an army!

The knight who is good at combat skills stepped forward automatically, staring at Ye Kai!

"Fulan, the shield." Ye Kai said calmly.

The group of knights looked puzzled, what did Ye Kai mean?

Could it be that someone handed him the shield?

But they immediately knew what Ye Kai meant.

I saw Fran stretching out her small hand and holding it.

bang, bang, bang...

Everyone's shields instantly turned into pieces!

Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said, "The next one is your heads. Are you ready to die once?"

As he said that, Ye Kai inserted the Meteor Star Meteor Knife into the ground, and said coldly to them: "If this is the so-called professional, the so-called savior, in my opinion, this world should just obediently be wiped out."

In Remy's hands, Gungnir appears!

"Can we have a good time this time?" Remi licked her red lips and sneered.

"Wait, everyone, don't fight!"

Robert rushed to the middle and said to Ye Kai, "Brother Ye Kai, please don't do anything."

Immediately, Robert turned back to Akai and said, "This paladin, you must have seen it too, if Brother Ye Kai starts killing, no one will be able to stop him, if such a strong man is a devil, will we still have a way out? "

Chapter 400 Congxin Knights

"He killed Thor and broke our shield!"

"Yes, kill him!"

"He must be the devil's spy!"

"Yes, there must be a purpose for him to come here. Soldiers, go back and rescue them!"

Those professionals were all red-eyed.

After all, magic shields are not mainland products.

They all got it after saving money for a long time or going through countless dangers.

"So, now you want to die? I don't mind, I'll give you a ride." A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Kai's mouth.

Akai is very calm now, he knows that if they do something, judging by the opponent's appearance, they have no chance of winning at all!

Their heads are not as hard as shields!

"Brother Ye Kai, calm down." Robert said anxiously.

"Why, do you think they still have a chance to save them? It's only reconciled to having everyone die for a bastard. It's a disaster to keep this kind of guy." Ye Kai said coldly.

GSD, the Four Juggernauts, they are the ones who really care about the world.

Even if they found out that Ye Kai could turn into ghosts and gods, they were mostly pleasantly surprised. The stronger the stronger the better.

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