Immediately, the crowd mopped up again.

The third floor is much smaller than the first two floors.

It took less than two hours for everyone to collect them.

Ye Kai's assets jumped to [-]!

Those gems, diamonds, and crystals are countless.

In the innermost box, Ye Kai also found the target: the Horadric Cube.

He tried it and found that it could be used, but the problem was that he didn't remember the rune language, so he packed it up and took it away, and studied it slowly.

Ye Kai synthesized all the gems into the largest one, and left some leftovers in the space backpack.

Really, a bumper harvest!

"I can't imagine that we conquered the Temple of Death so easily. I'm already at level [-]." Robert murmured.

I don't know how experience in this world is calculated, as long as they follow Ye Kai, they are considered as a team.

Not only them, but also other professionals.

"It wasn't us who conquered it, it was them! We are probably the youngest group of level 20 professionals now." Lai Wei said helplessly.

The higher the level, the more experience is needed, so now they are at the same level.

"Daqi feels full of strength!" Daqi patted his chest and said.

"Okay, now that we have everything, let's go." Ye Kai shrugged.

Unexpectedly, the dark world is so profitable!

Hmm... money is enough, right?For boxes or something, ask Paqiuli to help with research.

When everyone was walking back, Fulan and Remi were also tired from playing, and they all automatically returned to Ye Kai, Ye Kai was not too dirty.

Go back and give them a bath again!

Chapter 405

Robert's house.

"Sister, I'm back!" Robert said while knocking on the door.

Squeak, the door opened.

When Ada saw Robert, she was obviously relieved, and her whole body collapsed.

When the woman saw that Robert was fine, her heart fell to the ground.

"Look, I brought a lot of equipment." Robert poured out all the equipment in the backpack, except for his own use, and the mage's.

"Brother, this is?" Ada asked in surprise.

"I'm already at level [-]. I leveled up really fast with Brother Ye Kai! The two little girls he brought are amazingly strong! We didn't do anything, we just picked up things behind." Robert excited the way.

"Level [-]!" Ada suddenly became pleasantly surprised.

In this way, Robert is a powerful paladin!Although the sword skills and experience can't keep up, they can be accumulated.

The equipment and level on him are all real!

Brother, finally strong!

She doesn't feel jealous at all, as long as everyone lives well.

"You... how could you level up so fast? Although the sewers, maggot nests, and Viper Temple are all normal leveling points, they are not so safe?" the woman asked in surprise.

Since it was night, the child had already gone to bed.

"Auntie, we... broke through the Temple of Death and killed all the monsters inside! Moreover, Miss Fran crushed the entire temple into powder. From now on, there will be no more monsters!" Robert clenched his fists, Shen Sheng said.

The Temple of Death is the most dangerous place in these caves, and it is not suitable for leveling at all.

Besides, Remi and Fran have already destroyed the roots, and they can't even regenerate monsters.

Robert doesn't bother with this at all. If there are no monsters in the world, their professionals can also upgrade through their own practice, but it's just a little slower.

Compared with these, revenge and the liberation of the world are obviously more important.

"You... did a good job, but I delayed your growth." The woman sat down sadly.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally cheated Ada.

"I know that my aunt is afraid that we will be in danger, but there are some things that must be done. This is the justice and philosophy I insist on! I absolutely don't agree with those other paladins! In the face of the possible sacrifices that justice may bring in the future, I choose justice." Robert clenched his fists and said, "We still have to go to attack Duriel, Brother Ye Kai will definitely take care of Ida! Next time, let her join! Brother Ye Kai said, only you are strong, Only then can we uphold our own justice and protect important people! Now, it is difficult for us to grow up, so he will help us grow up once!"

"Why are you doing this?" the woman murmured, "All these equipments are sold for money, so that we can live a safe and secure life without any risk at all."

"Because, this world needs heroes! I couldn't stop Brother Ye Kai from killing Thor before, because Brother Ye Kai was on the side of righteousness. If Thor continues to smear Brother Ye Kai, the casualties will be even greater. For the time being, I can only I choose to sit on the sidelines. But when my ability reaches its limit, there will definitely be a perfect ending!" Robert said in a deep voice.

Ye Kai told him the story of the Messenger of Justice, and he had begun to understand it.

Everything, just because he is not strong enough.

Only when he is strong can he maintain his justice and persistence.

If he is not strong enough, it is hard to tell whether he is saving the world or destroying the world in the end.

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