One on the back, one on the front, and one on the other hand, just like four scavengers.As for weapons and shields?With Remy and Fran here, it's up to them to count.

Ada said with some embarrassment: "Unexpectedly, those two lovely children are so powerful, we can't compare with them at all! If they make a move, Brother Ye Kai can't get in."

Ada and Robert's aunt had been waiting here for a long time. When she saw Ada and Robert, she was obviously relieved.

Now, the money earned will never be spent in a few lifetimes.

How can you sell so much equipment?

"Brother Ye Kai told us that if the sea calms down, he will succeed. Let us wait for him here, and don't rush east." Dach said in a low voice.

"Well, do you think Brother Ye Kai can defeat Duriel?" Robert thought.

"Yes." Lai Wei said helplessly: "I feel a little sorry for Duriel, that guy chose the enemy he shouldn't have chosen."

"Yeah, I feel that Brother Ye Kai is much stronger than those demons." Robert sighed.

"Big brothers, do you have any good equipment? Dark gold ones, not bad for money!"

"My suit is only two pieces away!"

"Please trade, I still need a shield."

"You guys send the things back first, I'll go back and find Ye Kai." Lai Wei handed the package to the women and children who came over.

"What do you mean?" Robert asked in a daze.

"Duriel should also explode equipment, right?" Lai Wei scratched her head and said.

"Forget it, don't ask for it, Brother Ye Kai will put it away. The Warlock Canyon is really dangerous." Robert said deeply.

The little monsters there need four people to fight against them.

Of course, this is also due to the lack of proficiency in the level they have now.

When they achieve great success, they can deal with a team of mobs alone.

As for Duriel?Ha ha……

"The king seems to owe Brother Ye Kai [-] gold coins, but he doesn't know when he will come back to get it." Ada said suddenly.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, really!

And what about Ye Kai?

The Horadric staff was useless this time, and the so-called barrier couldn't help Fran's grip.


The wall explodes!The road behind was exposed.


A roar came from inside.

"What the hell!"

Remi immediately became unhappy, and Gungnir threw it into the big hole Fran made.


The roar is gone.

Ye Kai didn't even add experience this time, it should be said that the whole world didn't add experience. It seems that this second act is too weak for him.

Everyone walked in, only to see Duriel was stuck on the wall, twitching, his expression was very innocent.

Soon, it lost the breath of life.

It is estimated that at the end of its life, it does not even know how to die...

"Bring this on, you weakling." Remi gave Duriel a contemptuous look.

Doesn't have much mysterious power, isn't it an undead species, dare to roar?

Ye Kai stepped on the dead Duriel, and said to Remy: "Miss, do you really want to take this big bug away? It feels so disgusting!"

Remy nodded as a matter of course: "Patch likes to study this kind of thing very much."

"It doesn't have tentacles." Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

Immediately, he picked up a piece of equipment that exploded on the ground. It was two dark gold grades.

One is called Colorful Rage, one is called Black Hand Key, one is a mage's weapon, and the other is a necromancer's weapon.

Forget it, even if it's a sword, I can't use it myself.

Putting the weapon away casually, Ye Kai began to count the harvest.

Gold coins, now a total of [-], and some gems.

For the first time, he felt like a rich man...

Now, finally, instead of buying [-] sets of defective products, you can buy [-] pieces of equipment!

I can't wear it yet, but it looks good!

Hmm...Even if there is a better suit, Ye Kai plans to buy all the beliefs he had back then!

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