Meihong forgave Huiyin, but Huiyin was not too entangled.

She also knew that Fujiwara's immeasurable death and the destruction of the family had dealt a heavy blow to Mei Hong. At that time, Mei Hong would do such a thing, and she could completely understand it.

Meihong and Huiyin reconciled, but Kaguya was not.

The two fought for twenty years, but neither could kill the other.

Hui Ye felt that Meihong was led by Ye Kai into the path of monsters, and it was also the proof of Ye Kai's existence.

If Mei Hong is killed by mental torture, what if Ye Kai finds out and turns against him?

In fact, it doesn't matter if she tries, because Meihong has fought against the phoenix for more than a hundred years, and her spirit has long been extremely tenacious.

Hui Ye looked at Mei Hong with complicated eyes, and said calmly, "Do you really want to fight?"

"I really want to fight! Until I kill you!" Meihong said in a deep voice.

Hui Ye shook his head and sighed, "You shouldn't have come."

"But I'm still here, die!" Mei Hong kicked Hui Ye with a phoenix flame attached to it!

The entire Lost Bamboo Forest was poured with the potion covered with Kaguya's ability, even if the bamboo was destroyed, it would recover quickly.

Yayi Yonglin planted willows unintentionally, so that the entire surface of Gensokyo has this characteristic. Even if a mountain is knocked out, it will grow back in a few days.

Those grains are produced faster than before.


Kaguya simply waved his fist, and then drew a tachi from his waist.

Having been with Ye Kai for so long, and Yiji is also a swordsman, her swordsmanship is not bad either!


Meihong's leg was chopped off by Hui Ye from the knee, cut off directly!

But Mei Hong didn't care at all, and punched Hui Ye's abdomen.


The fist with the phoenix flame pierced Kaguya's abdomen!

A strange thing happened, after Meihong closed her fist, Kaguya's abdomen began to squirm, and soon grew out.

And Meihong obviously has half of her leg on the ground, but a new one has grown out of her leg!

"Fengyi Tianxiang!" A thick flame appeared on Meihong's body, burning towards Huiye.

Huiye was helpless, with this kind of temperature, even if she used her eternal power to bless her clothes, she would still be burned and consume her demon power.


Meihong's flame burned half of Kaguya's body in an instant, and even if only the upper body of Kaguya was left, it was enough.


Kaguya pierced Meihong's heart with one stab.

Brush... Another cut.

Meihong's right arm, as well as her shoulder, were chopped off with a knife.

goo goo goo...

The broken bodies of the two men grew out again.

There was fire in Meihong's eyes, and fire on her body.

Endless demon power rose near this lost bamboo forest.

Some weak monsters were trembling with fright.

"Self-extinguishing flame whirlwind!"


A tornado made of flames instantly dyed the entire sky red.

It's like, it's going to sweep the entire Gensokyo!

But the monsters in the distance seem to be used to it.

Even Wenwen didn't come to take pictures, which shows how worthless this once-a-month whirlwind of flames is...

In less than a moment, there was only ashes within a radius of [-] meters between the two of them.

But the two of them slowly changed from ashes to human form, recovered to their original state, and then stared at each other.

"go to hell!"

The two shouted coquettishly at the same time and wrestled together.

Not long after, the heart, liver, these organs were thrown to the ground by the two of them.

It's like this every time. At the beginning, they fought in a serious manner, and then they became shrews and tore each other apart.

However, the tearing was a bit bloody...

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