At this moment, a bowl was handed to Ye Kai.

"Oh, thank you."

Ye Kai took it smoothly.

【Powerful drug, can fascinate junior big monsters at most. 】

[Side effects: unknown. 】

[Duration of side effects: twelve hours. 】

[Description: Produced by Yonglin, it must be a boutique]

Ye Kai turned around with black lines all over his head, and saw Bayi Yonglin looking at him with a smile.

He grabbed the ear of Inaba who was about to escape, and poured water into her mouth regardless of Inaba's struggle.

"Hey... Gudong Gudong... What are you doing... Gudong Gudong..."

Immediately, Emperor Inaba's footsteps wobbled, and after taking two steps, he passed out.

"Can you get some normal water?" Ye Kai said with a broken face.

"I can't..." Yong Lin said indifferently.

He didn't care about Emperor Inaba being poured by Ye Kai.

She glanced at the backyard, and sighed, Hui Ye died this time.

Yong Lin said to Ye Kai: "Go to Hui Ye's room and wait."

Ye Kai nodded and walked towards Hui Ye's room.

Remember, he seemed to have promised Kaguya before to give her the game console?

He took out the red and white machine, installed the batteries, and then took out a color TV with batteries and connected it.

Long time no play, Contra.

The reason why he didn't give Kaguya all his brains was because he was afraid that Kaguya would be too housebound, and now it seems that it doesn't help much.

Moreover, if you give her all the good things, what will you do in the future?

Solar notebooks, and this red and white machine, I can only have three or five sets.

This kind of thing is very useful. In some worlds, it can be used to gain favor and favor.

It's just that I haven't encountered that kind of relatively peaceful world yet, and I'm always busy every time I go out.

Kaguya had been seeing him for more than half an hour, but Emperor Inaba hadn't come yet, so he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

She also heard the conversation between Ye Kai and Yonglin just now.

Could it be that Emperor Inaba was tricked?

Kaguya shook his head, and walked out naked, looking at Emperor Inaba lying on the ground, he couldn't help being a little funny.

She picked up the clothes and put them on.

As for Emperor Inaba, she directly grabbed the rabbit ears and dragged him away.

She was suddenly a little strange, Emperor Inaba, it seemed a little different.

Then she discovered that Emperor Inaba had one big breast and one small breast...

This must have been drinking Yonglin's potion.

Fortunately, Ye Kai was not the one who got caught.

Otherwise... Kaguya couldn't help shivering.

This side effect can be said to be infinitely close to zero, and there is only one more reason for Kaguya to laugh at Emperor Inaba.

By the time Emperor Inaba woke up, the side effects had passed.

Chapter 412 Kaguya's New Game

Hui Ye threw Emperor Inaba into the rabbit nest, and then went back to find Ye Kai.

But when she just entered the door, she was startled, Ye Kai was actually playing a game!

That magic handle, the magic machine, and the screen where you can see the picture.

Isn't this what I've been thinking about day and night?

This is TV?This is the game?How amazing is that laptop?

Hui Ye sat down beside Ye Kai, and said to Ye Kai, "How do you play?"

Ye Kai handed the handle to Hui Ye, and said with a smile, "Want to learn? I'll teach you, just kiss."

Without even thinking about it, Kaguya moved her face closer.


Ye Kai looked at Hui Ye in surprise, she actually kissed him.

He touched his face in disbelief.

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