Tei Inaba trembled suddenly, she had never seen such a terrifying Kaguya.

The black energy on Kaguya's body seemed to be turning into substance!

Is this the resentment of game nerds?

"I, I want to go out to see the rabbit..." Inabati tiptoed out.


Kaguya stood up and kicked her ass.



Tei Inaba was kicked out of the house by her like a rocket.

"Let's continue playing." Hui Ye said with a fairy face.

She and Emperor Inaba have been playing for a day and a night.

Ye Kai kept watching, feeling a little tired.

"Next, I'll teach you RPG games and war chess games. You can play these two games yourself." Ye Kai yawned.


Hui Ye grabbed Ye Kai's hand, and said pitifully, "Don't leave my concubine, okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't leave in another hundred years or so." Ye Kai rubbed his eyes and said.

"Cut! You go, you go, and find that woman with big breasts!" Hui Ye pointed outside.

"Oh." Ye Kai really wanted to leave like this...


Hui Ye grabbed Ye Kai, pulled him back, pointed to the cassette of the heavy machine soldier and said, "Teach me how to play this first."

"it is good."

Then, Ye Kai taught Hui Ye how to file files, how to read files, what to do, and the benefits of leveling.

Anyway, Kaguya's own groping is not a big problem, the problem is that he played half-Chinese version in his previous life, unlike the non-Chinese version now.

Kaguya, on the other hand, is obviously more familiar with Japanese...

"I'm going to sleep for a while, you can play."

Ye Kai lay on the ground and fell asleep.

While manipulating the protagonist to drive the tank, Kaguya said with emotion: "I don't know if there will be a clearer picture in the future, and then the fighting will be stronger. That would be great. Well, it's best to make them street fighters." That level."

After she finished speaking, she saw no one responded, only to realize that Ye Kai had fallen asleep.

She put Ye Kai's head on her lap to make him sleep more comfortably.

And she herself continued to struggle.

Damn, those two giant cannons are so hard to hit!Is this forcing a concubine to grind her rank?

Chapter 413

On the other side, a shrine is being built little by little on a mountain.

Yakumo Zi has been spending time here recently.

"First generation, if you build it like this, when will you finish building the shrine? I've said it all. It would be great to invite some ordinary people to help you build it together. Just tell them that you are the one who wants to protect them." Eight Yun Zi said helplessly.

"No, it will cost money." A beautiful woman said while laying bricks.

She was wearing a red and white witch costume with bare armpits, and she lacked the big bow on her head compared to Reimu, which was a bit like a replica of Reimu.

However, she looked much more mature than Reimu, and her appearance was quite different.

"You, you just value money too much." Zi Yakumo shook her head speechlessly.

"Our shrine has been poor for generations, and none of the maidens can make money. You told me that people will often come to this place to pray and stuff money." The first generation said dissatisfiedly: "If it weren't for the poor I'm almost out of food, so I won't come to a place full of monsters, right, Master Xuan?"

A big tortoise with a white beard and a tail like a white wolf's tail was lying on the ground, watching the first generation work boredly.

"Ahem, I don't care anymore." Master Xuan said a little speechlessly.

"Don't worry, if no one puts money in, I will take care of it." Yakumo Zi rolled her eyes and said.

"Well, the establishment of the Great Barrier is now approaching the final juncture, how are the preparations going?" the first generation said while building the house.

"There is still one person missing, the person who provided this idea. A few days ago, there was a movement near the Great Barrier. I don't know if that guy is back." Yakumo Zi smiled.

"You peeping tom, wondering what's not easy?" The first generation rolled his eyes.

"At that time, I was cleaning up some miscellaneous things, otherwise I would have read it. If you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten about it." Yakumozi said, stretching out her plain hand, and a gap appeared in front of her.

Ye Kai lay his pillow on Hui Ye's lap, sleeping soundly.

On this side, Yakumo Zi was covered with black lines.

This guy, why is it always Ting every time he appears?

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