"First generation, what about you?" Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, Master Xuan is here." The first generation said softly.

Yakumo Zi looked back at Yakumo Lan, and said calmly: "Lan, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, Lord Zi." Yakumo Lan said calmly.

Yakumozi has Yakumolan, the first generation has Xuanye, Yuyuko has Youmu, Qiluno has Yuka, Kanyama Hina has Daitenma, and Four Seasons has Komachi.

Except for Youmeng and Xuan Ye, all big monsters!

To build Gensokyo this time, the lineup can be said to be very gorgeous.

What Yakumo Zi didn't tell everyone is that there are two other people, above and below Ye Kai, who will also participate in the establishment of Gensokyo.

One is the sky, and the other is the devil world.

Only in this way can a most complete Gensokyo be built.

In fact, Yakumo Zi told Ye Kai before that it doesn't matter if he doesn't come, she was fooling him...

Because, he is the last one waiting for the Great Formation!

You Dingtian immortals must ensure that You Dingtian will enter Gensokyo. They are immortals and cannot come out alone.

As for Shenqi, she is a demon, and she is completely opposite to the immortal, so she can just balance it out.

Monsters, goblins, humans, gods, hell, undead, immortals, demons.

It was they who formed the great barrier of Gensokyo.

Ye Kai is the most important existence, part of it is human, part of it is artifact, part of it is monster, part of it is ghost and god, and part of it is... the world.

Moreover, he is the only powerful male youkai in Gensokyo.

Grandpa?won't make a move...

Only by extracting Ye Kai's power, the Great Barrier is the ultimate Great Barrier!

If there is no Ye Kai, Gensokyo is likely to have an imbalance of yin and yang...

That's why Yakumo Zi said that Ye Kai might fall into a deep sleep after smoking, after all, the burden shared by the six of them needs to be borne by Ye Kai alone.

If Ye Kai didn't agree at the time, Yakumo Zi would fool around until he agreed.

And what about Ye Kai?He's a little embarrassed now...

"Lianzi, Meili, why are you here?" Ye Kai sat on the ground, staring at the two somewhat transparent figures in front of him.

Usami Renko, and Maelbelle Hearn, unexpectedly appeared in front of him.

The figures of Remy and Fran were looking at them.

The five stared at each other with puzzled faces.

"Meili had a dream, and then we appeared here. By the way, the color of the moon seems to have changed before we went to sleep, Ye Kai, do you know what's going on?" Lianzi smiled.

"Miss, please help them explain, I'm a little busy." Ye Kai looked at the gap slowly appearing in the sky.

"Yuwen-san, how are you doing?" Yakumo Zi's voice came from the gap.

"I'm fine, anyway, I can move around, right?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Well, you can move. If someone wants to stop you, no matter who it is, kill." Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

Yakumo Zi, of course, is not only black-bellied and calculating.

She also has the killing spirit of a monster.

It's just that because of Youyuko, this murderous aura has been hidden for a long time.

But if someone wants to move Gensokyo, or wants to prevent the establishment of Gensokyo.

Then, it is Yakumo Zi's enemy!

To the enemy, Yakumo Zi has never been merciless.

"Don't worry, I have killed eight thousand people if not ten thousand." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Miss, what's the situation? It looks fun!" Lianzi said to Remy with her eyes shining.

"Hmph! We've been through the past and the present! Participated in the seal of the Saigoi Demon, witnessed the Tale of Taketori, and landed on the moon. Now, we're going to build Gensokyo!" Remy proudly raised her chest like an airport the way.

"These things don't seem to have anything to do with my sister." Fran resolutely dismantled the situation.

"Tch, without Master Remy's sea-like wisdom, how could it be so easy for a servant to do these things?" Remy turned her head and said.

"When my sister came out, she seemed to be trying to figure out where to go." Fran continued to tear down the stage.

"No way!" Remy stomped her feet...

"Establishment, Gensokyo?" Lianzi widened her eyes and said in surprise, "We are in the past now, are we going to witness history?"

"Well, it should be like this. Judging by Ye Kai's appearance, he is creating history! This, how is this possible, unscientific, why can he go back to the past?" Mei Li said with a confused face: "Is it because Ye Kai did these things in the past, so we only have us, or because Ye Kai was born [-] years ago, so we have the past? Which came first, the chicken or the egg."

"Mei Li, science has long been beaten to death! If you want to pursue the truth, don't pay too much attention to the so-called science. Didn't you say that? Theoretically, time is irreversible, and time also has speed. The speed of light is the speed of time." The upper limit. Then if a speed exceeds the speed of light, what will happen to time at that time?" Lianzi said with bright eyes.

"I don't know, don't ask me, I don't know anything. If the speed of light is exceeded, people may see the previous scenes, but this is a theory!" Mei Li said speechlessly.

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