But Grandpa, has already sensed the cause and effect on Ye Kai, and it is appearing.

The grandfather took off a dull Kunlun mirror that fell from Ye Kai's body.

Its appearance gradually changed to that of the blood jade sword, and the grandfather carved the word Ye Kai on the sword.

It should be right, it is.

The future self and the present self are a bit interesting.

I saw the grandpa waved his big hand, and a baby that seemed to have just been born came into his hands.

This baby has half of Ye Kai's soul, or the baby Ye Kai has been stripped of the power of the artifact.

The artifact is on Ye Kai's body, and he doesn't know when it will be restored. The grandfather is going to do it himself to replenish the power of the artifact.

The Taigong brought the small sword to the baby's neck.

This baby was not born by anyone, but was born according to the power of the Dao, and was transformed from the Kunlun mirror.

The grandpa held the baby and walked slowly to the Lost Bamboo Forest. He wanted to send the baby to the Eternal Pavilion.

But halfway through, he suddenly stopped.

Ye Kai's power is self-contained, and it might not be a good choice to learn from Bayi Yonglin.

If it was given to Yakumo Zi, it would be hell if she didn't slice it.

The underworld is not considered, it is not a place where ordinary people can grow.

So, to whom?

The grandfather fell into deep thought.

This baby came too suddenly, he suddenly felt the power of cause and effect, and he didn't quite know what to do.

The big enchantment suddenly became commotion, it seems that it should be related to this baby.

Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Lan should set off to inspect the Great Formation now, let's take advantage of this time.

As for Hakurei Shrine...

In an instant, Taigong denied this idea.

Giving it to Hakurei Shrine is equivalent to giving Yakumo Zi.

The small sword on his body is too heavy a burden to be handed over to those guys with strong tendencies.

Although it is best to leave it to Four Seasons, unfortunately, that is hell...

At this moment, Tai Gong heard a person's footsteps.

He looked into the distance and saw a woman, carrying a basket of bamboo shoots, dressed like a boy, walking towards this side.

The grandfather discovered that the causal line on Ye Kai's body was actually strongly connected with that woman.

It's stronger than the connection with Kaguya and Yuyuko!

What kind of fate is this?

Grandfather, put the little Ye Kai on the ground and hid.

Meihong returned home as usual, but was surprised to find that there was a child on the ground.

Mei Hong hugged Ye Kai and complained: "Who is so cruel that he threw the child into the lost bamboo forest?"

"Wow wow wow..."

The baby cried and looked hungry.

Meihong was a little confused, how could she have the ability to take care of children?

food?What does the child eat?Do you eat bamboo shoots?

Or, breastfeeding?But how can I have milk...

Send it to Eternal Pavilion?No, that bitch Kaguya hasn't fixed her these days.

The two often fought, and it would be bad if the child was hurt.

Look at him, is he human?

Forget it, go to Renzhili to find Huiyin and find a way to see if anyone is willing to adopt.

Meihong may poison herself to death by eating by herself, raising a child?Ha ha……

Chapter 422 Ye Kai Wakes Up

Time, just passed six years.

Xiaoyekai was adopted by an old man, and Meihong also joined the Renzhili Guard, and often gave Yekai some food and some money.

Even the rabbits in Yongchang Pavilion, Meihong took a few of them and gave them to Ye Kai.

As for Emperor Inaba's resistance?Meihong doesn't like Emperor Inaba's cuteness.

In Kaguya, it's good to dig out something...

Ye Kai also woke up at this time.

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