And the big goblin is still very scared...

"Huh? Why did Youxiang drop the seeds on the ground? Didn't she want to use me as flower fertilizer?" Ye Kai glanced at the ground and found several sunflower seeds.

This is really possible.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes and picked up the seeds.

He walked slowly towards Hakurei Shrine.

Unexpectedly, I have to report now. He is a great contributor to the establishment of Gensokyo, okay?

Passing by the magic forest, he suddenly saw his former little house, and couldn't help showing a smile.

A child, sitting at the door of the house watching the sun, said to Ye Kai who came over: "Grandpa is not at home."

"Ha." Ye Kai looked at his former self, and couldn't help being a little funny.

Then he was a little puzzled, he seemed to have never seen himself?

Ye Kai glanced at the rabbit next to Xiao Yekai, shook his head, and threw a few sunflower seeds to him.

"What is this?" Xiao Yekai frowned slightly.

"Sunflower seeds, just plant them for fun. Remember, don't sell them, or something terrible will happen." Ye Kai said with a smile.

He suddenly felt that within Xiaoyekai's body was the power left by the grandpa.

If it weren't for the fact that he was almost complete now, he wouldn't even have noticed.

No wonder, his importance is so high, when little Rumia came to eat him, no one came to protect him.

Ye Kai touched his chest and found that the Kunlun mirror and the blood jade sword were gone.

On Xiaoyekai's neck was a small blood jade sword.


Take it all on your shoulders and become who I am now.

"Sunflower?" Xiao Yekai glanced at Ye Kai suspiciously, not knowing why this stranger came to him, but feeling very suspicious.

Why is that arm a bit like DNF's ghost hand?No, he is not bound by ghosts and gods!

"For the benefits of the security team in Renzhili, Renzhili is short of money recently, so I gave some seeds. You are unlucky, the vegetable seeds have been robbed." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

When I was a child, I was quite vigilant.

"Oh." Xiaoye opened a knowing expression.

Although he looks only six years old, he is a time traveler!

Naturally, also know some of the dark side of society.

Oh, the vegetable seeds have been robbed?It's not embezzled by you.

I'm afraid it's embarrassing to face it when grandpa is away.

"Let's go." Xiao Yekai waved his hand.

"By the way, if you encounter a monster named Rumia in the future, even if she wants to eat you, don't kill her. The monsters in this place all have backers." Ye Kai said deeply .

"Monsters? I can beat monsters with my small body, don't be kidding me uncle." Xiao Yekai said contemptuously: "It would be fine if Grandfather taught me fairy arts."

As he spoke, he lowered his head in frustration.

Ye Kai shrugged and left Xiao Yekai's house.

He found that he didn't care that much anymore.

Waking up this time has violated the laws of nature, which is a bit strange.

According to the theorem, shouldn't Kaguya take a bath just in time?tsk tsk...

Chapter 423

"Master Zi, Mr. Yuwen seems to have woken up." Yakumo Lan stood in the interior of a wooden house, looking at the big quilt on the bed with black lines all over her head.

bang, bang, bang...

"Cheng, don't run around." Yakumo Lan turned around and said.

She originally wanted to summon a shikigami to do things for her.

Now it seems that there will be no hope in a thousand years.

Master Zi is even more extreme than before. She used to just hibernate, but now she sleeps all year round. The pressure is huge, and she really wants to run away!

"zzz... wake up when you wake up... zzz... Anyway, it's Yuyuko's boyfriend, not mine... zzz... I'll go find him when I wake up... zzz... Tai Gongwang is so annoying, Detaining him for so many's not convenient for me to study..." Zi Yakumo made a sound like a salted fish in the bed.

Yakumo Lan has black lines all over her head.

Forget it, leave it alone...let's deal with it after Master Zi wakes up, and go to patrol the Great Barrier.

And what about Ye Kai?At the gate of the Hakurei Shrine, he caught a young Lingmeng.

"Reimu, stop, don't run! Pay the money!"

A hearty voice sounded in the shrine.

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