This scene was so exciting that little Reimu couldn't accept it at all.

Marisa below was more decisive and passed out directly.

Xiandai covered his forehead, why did such a thing happen?

But now, it is no longer possible to stop if you want to stop.

Ye Kai yawned and said helplessly, "Hurry up and eat, I will take Youyouzi to Renzhili in a while."

"Ala, Yuwensang, I'm still thinking about Lord Youyuzi at this moment."

The figures of Yuyuko and Yakumo Zi emerged from the gap.

Both of them looked at Ye Kai solemnly, as if they wanted to see something.

"Eh... If I am resurrected after death, I am afraid that I will be resurrected from Huaxia, and I will come back to find you after a while." Ye Kai said softly.

As he spoke, he patted Yuyuko's little head.

"It's agreed, I'll come back to find Master Youyouzi." Youyouzi's face moved closer to Ye Kai.

She has never hindered any of Ye Kai's choices, no matter how nonsensical Ye Kai's actions are, she still chooses to believe in Ye Kai.

Relying on her intuition, she felt that what Ye Kai was doing now had to be done.

Yakumo Zi's face was ashen.

She never thought that things would develop like this.

Ye Kai had broken an arm before, but he was still alive and kicking.

How does it feel that what Lumia eats is not Ye Kai's arm, but his...existence?


The last bite was eaten by Rumia.

But before she could do anything, Xian Dai quickly tied a bow on her head with a ribbon.

The darkness in her body continuously flowed towards Rumia.

Rumia's body became visibly smaller with the naked eye, and finally turned into a loli about the size of Reimu.


Youyouzi's mouth firmly kissed Ye Kai's lips.

Ye Kai also used his remaining hand to hug Youyouzi.

His left arm, which had turned into black air, grew visible to the naked eye.

But his figure became more and more illusory.

"I'll see you later..." Ye Kai said something of unknown meaning and disappeared.

Finally, it's done...

"Ala, Yuwensang has disappeared." Youyouzi looked at the place where Ye Kai disappeared with a strange expression on his face.

"He disappeared, and it is true that he is not in the Great Barrier, nor in Santuchuan." Yakumo Zi felt suddenly very powerless.

Whether it's Lumia's problem or what, the one who helped her the most is Ye Kai.

But Ye Kai just left.To this day, I still don't know why he did it.

"He's fine, he'll be back in a few years, don't worry."

At this moment, Tai Gongwang's voice sounded in their hearts.

Every time Tai Gongwang's voice is very reassuring.

It seemed that everything he said had come true.

Yakumo Zi and Xiandai also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now, it seems that we want to solve the problems of these children." Yuyuko looked around and said softly.

Reimu knelt on the ground with a look of despair on his face.

Marisa below woke up and passed out.

As for Rumia, because of her petite figure, her clothes obviously didn't fit her well.

She licked the corner of her mouth, sound asleep.

Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice: "Knock Reimu and Marisa unconscious first. Yuyuko, send Rumia to the lake of mist. There are basically no big monsters there, and Cirno is there too, so it's safe."

Yuyuko nodded and said, "Okay."

After speaking, she picked up Rumia and flew towards the lake of fog.

"Yuwensang, if you dare to break the appointment, Lord Yuyuko will not let you go." Yuyuko said to herself in the air: "If you don't come back, no matter if it's Rumia or a witch, Lord Yuyuko will kill you Woolen cloth."

As for Yakumo Zi, she went straight to the private school in Renzhisato.

"Huiyin, help me."

Huiyin was grading homework when Zi Yakumo suddenly appeared.

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