"It's the most difficult thing to bear the grace of a beauty. Zacks can't disappoint Iris, let alone Cisner who has gone forward for him." Ye Kai said softly.

"Hmph, so, that's why you cheated?" Tifa pouted and snorted dissatisfied.

"Well, I didn't cheat!" Ye Kai said, he didn't do anything.

"A cheating mind is cheating." Tifa said relentlessly.

Seeing Tifa's jealous look, Ye Kai suddenly felt so cute.

Immediately, Ye Kai turned over and landed on top of Tifa.

He didn't think he could take it anymore, especially with Tifa in bed.

Tifa's eyes widened, she looked at Ye Kai in disbelief and said, "You, what are you doing?"

"If you cheat, at least you have to be on the rails, right?" Ye Kai's face slowly approached Tifa's.

Tifa stretched out her small fist, beat Ye Kai and said, "Get out, I'm going to sleep."

Tifa wasn't that resistant to Ye Kai, coupled with Ye Kai's pale hair and unintentional fragility just now, all hit the softest part of her heart.

However, she couldn't help being unwilling to let him succeed in this way. Isn't this too fast?

But think about it, the two have been in love for many years, and they met each other in the most beautiful years.

Ye Kai was so shy back then, he wouldn't be as bold as he is now.

Alas... In the later period, we get together less and leave more, so we missed the best period of training.

As a result, it is better and mature now, but it is going in a direction that is different from the perfection in my mind.

Ye Kai said with a half-smile: "This is my house, you are equivalent to entering a wolf's den."

"You, you were talking about other women just now, and now you are going to play tricks..." Tifa blushed, closed her eyes and said, "Is there anyone like you?"

"You'll see you soon."

Ye Kai looked at Tifa with blurred eyes, the current Tifa is so beautiful...

Before Tifa could make a sound, she was blocked by Ye Kai's lips.

Forget it, sooner or later there will be such a day, and I won't like others.

Slowly, she changed from the initial struggle to the late cooperation...

Although it was the first time, no one could suppress this most primitive impulse.

As for the future, we will talk about it later.

After a slightly painful voice came out, Ye Kai's room returned to calm.

Only a little bit of falling red records the eternity of this moment.

The four ghosts and gods surrounded Ye Kai's room, as if they were protecting it, preventing Gensokyo's No. [-] voyeur and Gensokyo's No. [-] voyeur from invading.

That night, it was all left to the two of them.

Chapter 441 text.news


Hello everyone, I am Shemei Marufumi, an upright and honest reporter whom everyone misses day and night.

Today, I will introduce the mutation that happened yesterday: the Eternal Night mutation.

The culprit of the mutation is Baiyi Yonglin, the doctor of Yongchang Pavilion. Many people must be familiar with it, right?

The original intention of the mutation seems to be to protect the rabbit who often sells medicine in the people's land, so that the messenger of the moon cannot bring her back, but in fact there is something else hidden.

In the beginning, driven by his fearless spirit, Hakurei Reimu embarked on the road to solve the mutation.

Participating in resolving the mutation this time is the monster sage Yakumo Zi, everyone applauds!

When we arrived at the Lost Bamboo Forest, we went through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties and defeated countless minions of Yonglin before arriving at the final goal: the Eternal Pavilion.

There, Marisa was confused by the rabbit and had a battle with Reimu, but she was just an ordinary magician, so naturally she was not Reimu's opponent, and was defeated by Reimu's yin and yang jade.

In addition, Marisa used to steal frequently, which aroused the anger of Alice, the owner of the Magic Forest Mansion, and brought Marisa back to the mansion, where she was severely punished.

I tried my best to eavesdrop, but I didn't hear anything. I hope Marisa will not be killed by Alice.

Closer to home.

After Reimu finished solving Marisa, he defeated the bewitched Alice, and finally had a wonderful barrage war with Yai Eirin, narrowly defeating Yai Eirin.

Yayi Yonglin's enchantment technique, as well as the barrage technique, are no weaker than Yuyuko's. Reimu's victory is also a fluke!

This is also thanks to the selfless dedication and encouragement of this reporter.

While Lingmeng and Yayi Yonglin were fighting, there was also a wonderful show of Shura staged by the scum monster Ye Kai.

Since there was only one powerful male monster in Gensokyo, Ye Kai, and now there are three, so Ye Kai has restrained a lot, at least not casually harming ordinary girls, and harming people with status and status.

By the way, he is not an ordinary monster, he is Uwen Taku, one of the sages who established Gensokyo back then.If you want to know about his past, please read the next report.

Now, let's talk about his scum.With his original partner Yuyuko Saigyouji, he abandoned the moon princess Horai Kaguya all the time, which made Kaguya want to take revenge on him, and even implicated the entire Gensokyo.

That's right, this is the truth of the eternal night change!

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