[Increase of Support Soldier: Yuka Kazami]

Well, Youxiang only has affection for the strong...

Chapter 442 Yuyuko's Thinking

Ye Kai packed up and left the door, walking towards Ren Zhi Li.

Tifa stretched lazily, sat up, and put on a set of clothes that Ye Kai left for herself.

This set of clothes is very ordinary, probably not specially bought by Ye Kai, but men's clothing.

Fortunately, Tifa is not picky, so go buy it yourself later.

Looking at the wet sheets and the blood stains on them, she couldn't help but shook her head helplessly, what a disaster!

And what about Ye Kai?Naturally, it won't take long for him to go to the People's Land, and no monster dares to trouble him.

Soon, he came to Meihong's house.

Although she also has a house in the ghost playground, she occasionally lives in the house of people.

Boom, boom, boom.


Meihong's voice came from inside.

Ye Kai opened the door and found that the door was unlocked, and Mei Hong was surfing the Internet neatly dressed.

"Well, boss, why don't you go back to the playground?" Ye Kai sat next to Mei Hong.

"Sit on the ground."


Ye Kai decisively sat down on the ground.


Mei Hong moved her feet and kicked a cushion, Ye Kai happened to sit on it.

It seems that Meihong still loves Ye Kai very much.

"Hmph, tell me carefully, what's going on." Meihong had a cigarette dangling from her mouth, with both hands on the keyboard, one foot on the bed and the other on the ground, which was very indecent.

However, Ye Kai is quite used to this situation.

"It started on the day of the Eternal Night Mutation..."

Ye Kai didn't say a word, and told everything about Yong Ye's mutation up to now, including how he lived in other worlds, including the friendship with A-Gump Zuo and others, and even who gave him benefits. Said, there is no concealment.

The power of ghosts and gods is all around, and now he is not afraid of that peeping tom eavesdropping.

Hearing that as long as Ye Kai travels back, he will be able to meet Hui Ye taking a bath, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Mei Hong's mouth, "Little bitch, you have today too?"

Ye Kai talked for a full four hours before he finished the matter completely.

"Is that so?" Meihong nodded clearly.

Huiyin had enlightened her last night, and her anger had subsided, so she just waited for Ye Kai to apologize.

But before Ye Kai came, he waited for "Wen Wen".News", she almost killed Monster Mountain...

Fortunately, Huiyin was also here at the time and persuaded her.

She found that those residents still looked at her normally, and they were not discussing her affairs, but talking about Wenwen's news and talking nonsense again.

It seems that the unreliability of Wenwen news has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Well, Boss can do whatever he wants, even kill me a few times to relieve his anger." Ye Kai lowered his head and said.

"Are you going to break up with Hui Ye?" Meihong said indifferently.

"Eh...we're not together at all." Ye Kai said speechlessly.

"Tch, don't break up, try to get her, I support you!" Mei Hong patted Ye Kai's shoulder and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I won't bully her."

No wonder...

"As for the past." Meihong crossed her arms, leaned back against the wall, and said calmly, "It's all over, and you don't feel guilty if you don't know about it. Besides, after more than a thousand years, Let go of even the greatest hatred."

Ye Kai wisely didn't ask Mei Hong why she still hated Hui Ye.

For Mei Hong, Hui Ye was the culprit of everything, and Ye Kai was kind to her if she insisted.

But emotional things can't be counted that way.

Meihong is still fighting with Hui Ye, on the one hand, it is because of lingering hatred, and on the other hand, it is because she is used to it.

If she doesn't fight with Kaguya every month, she will feel uncomfortable all over herself.

After all, Kaguya is the only opponent in Gensokyo who can let go of the fight, and the rest are either too strong or too weak.

Even if they were equal in strength, they would not dare to let her use the ultimate move of killing each other.

"Boss..." Ye Kai looked at Mei Hong movedly.

Meihong seemed to have seen Ye Kai's appearance again when she was a child, and was about to put her hand on it, but was in a daze.

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