Ye Kai took out the remaining diamonds in the dark world, as well as the diamonds collected just now, and the diamonds Yakumo Zi gave him.

Yakumo Zi, that unreliable guy, can do some good things occasionally.

Chapter 456 Transforming the Playground

When the goblins saw the diamond, their eyes lit up one by one, and they rushed towards the diamond.

Enterprise and Lafite also widened their eyes, how many diamonds are there!

Their entire tutelary mansion has not had so many diamonds since ancient times.

The goblins gathered around the diamond, and ate it up in a short while, the teeth are really good.

Hetuo held the blueprint and said to the goblin, "Can you communicate?"

The goblins nodded, and a voice that Ye Kai couldn't hear came out of their mouths.

And Hetori nodded suddenly, and communicated with them with a similar voice.

Enterprise looked at He Qu curiously, how did she communicate with the goblin?

"Your playground will be closed for an afternoon, and you can get it done quickly. Besides these things, you need to expand the cafeteria, build two dormitories, and a school, right?" He Qu said with some uncertainty.

Ye Kai nodded and said, "Well, yes."

Immediately, Ye Kai drew on the map of the ghost playground behind him, and said while drawing: "The playground, hot spring hotel, and beach will still be open as usual. There is no need to move the staff dormitory, just build two next to it, and the rest It is safer to cover the equipment behind my house as much as possible."

"Understood, remember that the fee this time is [-] million." Hetori nodded and said.

"By the way, how did you communicate with them?" Ye Kai pointed to those goblins.

He took out a small earphone from his ear and said, "This thing can receive the mental fluctuations of all creatures and understand what they are saying."

Then she pointed to her hat and said: "Then through this hat, it can affect my voice and speak a language similar to theirs. It is produced by Kappa Technology and must be a high-quality product."

Okay, but why does the hat have to forgive color?Ye Kai expressed that he did not understand Hequ's aesthetics.

Her backpack looks small, but in fact there is a world inside, and many black technologies are carried with her.

"If you want, three million ones." He Tho smiled.

Ye Kai hadn't spoken yet, but the company was a little moved. If nothing else, the human government must be very interested in this.

Communication with goblins has always been a problem.

Each aircraft carrier is equipped with many such fairies. They seem to appear with the carrier-based aircraft, but the aircraft carrier can only convey its thoughts to them and let them fight.

If you want to communicate more, it is impossible.

"Forget it, I'm poor..." Ye Kai lowered his head.

Ye Kai only paid 150W to be able to change the playground into a tutelary mansion and playground, which is simply a fantasy in the eyes of the company.

Normally, to build a tutelary mansion, even with the help of goblins, it would cost at least [-] million yuan.

But who made Gensokyo’s inexhaustible supply of materials, except for rare metals, everything that one expects to find, and no one needs to build a house except for that small town.

As a result, prices in Gensokyo are surprisingly low.

Only in terms of food, because of the existence of Yuyuko, can it connect with the outside world.

Of course, these things are fine for Gensokyo’s own use, but what if the human government wants to mine them?

Hehe, Youxiang's magic cannon is not a joke.

Hetuo rolled his eyes, and left with the goblins.

The facilities of the ghosts and gods playground are not bad, and the rest should be covered.

Seeing that He Qu had left, Ye Kai said to the company: "Ah... Actually, there is one more thing to trouble you. I will sell [-] million resources at that time. You should find someone who can negotiate."

"Hmm..." The enterprise nodded.

There is no need for her to worry about the safety here, and the rest will naturally be handled by the admiral or the government.

This is the first time I've seen the admiral who sells resources.

But for the sake of Ye Kai not having a ship girl, I will forgive him. If he has a ship girl and sells resources, the ship girl of the big ship is fine, and the small ship must let him know what it means to cry, make trouble, and hang himself...

Ye Kai said that he didn't want to sell either, the problem is that he is also very desperate, he is short of money...

"Do you want to stay for dinner? By the way, can Jian Niang eat normal food?" Ye Kai asked.

"We also eat normal food, it's fine to stay, our admiral is still waiting for our report." Enterprise said softly.

"Okay, I won't force it anymore." Ye Kai said helplessly.

Boom, boom.

The sound of an explosion sounded.

Enterprise and Lafite looked out of the window curiously, only to see a large group of large vehicles digging the foundation.

The speed at which these kappa build houses is almost unfriended, and the quality is guaranteed.

If human technology can develop into such a black technology, will it be squeezed by the deep sea?

All I can say is that this is an amazing place.

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