But Ye Kai nodded politely and said, "This is my duty."

The governor walked over slowly, and Will left at this time.

The governor smiled at Ye Kai: "Nice young man, there are not many young people like this now, Ivan, take him to eat something, then familiarize himself with etiquette and duties, and change clothes along the way."

The waiter beside him smiled and said, "Your will, Governor."

After finishing speaking, he said to Ye Kai: "Please follow me."

The governor is really a nice person, he didn't care about Ye Kai's disrespect at all, and he didn't care about his bloody performance just now.

In the eyes of the Governor, it is normal to be injured in such a duel. Since he is willing to provoke his opponent, he must be prepared to pay the price. Ye Kai did not kill anyone, so what is he struggling with?Anyway, he just had nothing to do and hired a guard.

Ye Kai took a shower first, and then changed into a normal shirt and trousers with Ivan, wearing a military uniform and a strange hat.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. His dressing up like this is a bit interesting, but it just makes Ye Kai feel a little uncomfortable.

Since Ye Kai came on the first day, he was given a piece of steak in addition to bread and milk for dinner, which was considered a full meal for him.

As for his duties, it is very simple to say, as long as he acts with the governor's guards, the eldest lady's personal bodyguards think too much, just in this name, who would like to have multiple personal male bodyguards around his daughter? .

What's more, the governor didn't fully trust him.

Generally, after hiring a guard, you have to go through a series of private soldier procedures, that is, to get some certificates, mainly certificates for carrying guns.

These can be done in about two days, but the governor does not intend to let him be equipped with a gun, and a person of unknown origin needs more tests.

And he wasn't bothered, anyway, something would happen tomorrow.

His room was just an ordinary servant's room, theoretically a room for four people, but he was only recruited for one today, and the other three were expected to be recruited in a few days, allowing him to enjoy the treatment of a one-person dormitory.

Compared with the dilapidated house in Gensokyo, which is cold in winter and hot in summer and has air leakage, he is already very content with such conditions.

Ivan also encouraged Ye Kai, bought him some wine by the way, and told him that as long as he did well, he could be a military officer in the future, Ye Kai laughed it off.

The next morning, Ye Kai got up early. Yesterday he received a notice that the governor and the lady were going out today to meet Brigadier General James Norrington.

Ye Kai was already waiting on the carriage, and Ivan also changed into clothes similar to Ye Kai's. This time he was driving the carriage, and Ye Kai wanted to learn from him.

"Morning, Will."

A figure flashed into Ye Kai's eyes, it was Wiltner, he was holding a long box, it should be a sword box.

Will nodded politely to Ye Kai and said, "Good morning, Ye."

Ye Kai scratched his head, and said awkwardly: "You should call me Ye Kai, I'm not used to your address."

Will smiled and said, "No problem, Ye Kai, I'm going to deliver the sword to the governor first, I wish you a happy day."

Ye Kai shrugged.

The people inside didn't make Ye Kai and Ivan wait too long. They saw the governor holding a gorgeous Western sword, followed by a girl in a noble dress and a white hat. It was his daughter Elizabeth.

Although she looks good, this is not Ye Kai's favorite, and he doesn't pay much attention to it. The girl from Gensokyo is still pretty.

It's just...it's unbelievable that such a weak little girl will become the famous pirate king in the future.

Behind the two was a guard and an attendant holding a sword case.

Will also popped up inside, and said with a spring breeze: "Have a good day, Elizabeth."

Seeing Will's hopeless expression, Ye Kai secretly cursed as useless.

Several people got into the carriage, and Elizabeth was obviously surprised when she saw Ye Kai's face, but she didn't say much because of her good upbringing. Very capable.

"lets go."

The governor's peaceful voice came over, and Ivan responded, and drove the carriage towards the destination.

Ye Kai leisurely looked at the scenery on the side of the road, he will be busy soon.

Chapter 06

Today's weather can be called sunny and sunny.

In the military fortress of Port Royal, the Union Jack flutters in the wind.

This place is like a small city, with two doors at the front and back, open to the air, the place is not big, but solemn enough.

The position in the middle and the back is the position of the governor, and also Ye Kai's nominal boss.Ye Kai stood on the governor's right, two steps lower than him, showing the governor's identity and ensuring his safety.

The governor looked very energetic in his blue aristocratic attire, wig and hat.

Below them is a group of noble youths and noble ladies who also came to Norrington's welcoming ceremony.

Below is a phalanx of two soldiers to protect the safety of these nobles.

Boom, boom, boom.

Light music sounded in the air, and two rows of soldiers walked into the fort with neat steps.

At the beginning, there are soldiers carrying the national flag, followed by soldiers playing music. The movements of the trumpeter and the drummer are not chaotic at all, and the neat steps are very rhythmic.

Behind them are normal soldiers, each with the same expressionless face, holding their guns on their shoulders, forming a sharp contrast with the front.

Slowly, they all walked into the fortress. The soldiers playing music and the soldiers carrying the national flag left the column. The six soldiers playing music went to the left position, and the two soldiers carrying the national flag went to the right position. Four people can also see the symmetry on both sides.

As for the remaining spearmen, the two leading ones just reached the position a little before the steps. When they got there, they naturally stood together back to back, and it seemed that they had gone through a lot of tempering.

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