
Ye Kai flew out from below with the wings of Wan Jian Gui Zong's sword spirit.

Both of them were moving at high speed, but Ye Kai made a decisive move when the distance between them was three meters.


Phantom Sword Dance poured on her body.

Fortunately, the quality of Gensokyo's clothes is comparable to that of inheritance, otherwise it would not be fine until now.

If it was normal fabric, Hong Meiling would have been stripped naked by Ye Kai long ago...


Hong Meiling was pushed back by Phantom Sword Dance.

After taking this trick, she didn't feel very good.


Extreme God Sword Technique: Slashing Through the Sky!

Hong Meiling only felt countless sword qi raging in her body.

She moved her hands slowly, and countless sword qi were expelled from her body.

A yin and yang fish, which contains countless sword qi.

"Tai Chi can still be used like this? You have gained knowledge." Ye Kai said in surprise.

However, he did not stop attacking.

Cut through the air!


Taijitu and Jianmang canceled each other out, and Hong Meiling's movements couldn't help being a bit sluggish.

There was a smile on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, and it was over.

brush brush...

Twenty-four battle swords surrounded Hong Meiling, and she couldn't move anymore.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Ye Kai's phantom disappears and reappears again, which means that Hong Meiling has been slashed with a sword.

Brush, brush, brush...


The last giant sword energy blasted Hong Meiling out.

But Hong Meiling turned inconceivably in the air, taking advantage of Ye Kai's stiffness, and bumped towards Ye Kai.

Bajiquan · Tie Shan Kao!


Click click.

Ye Kai felt that his sternum was crushed, and he was blasted into the ground again.

That big pit is now as deep as [-] meters.

Fortunately, it will grow automatically in a few days, otherwise Sakuya will definitely go crazy when he sees this big pit.

Just as Hong Meiling breathed a sigh of relief, a ghost seal bead wrapped in ghost fire hit her body.

Ye Kai flew up, and the long sword had been replaced with a streamer, with blood and purple flames spreading on it, and it slammed onto the ground.

Clash the ground!

boom boom boom boom...

Hong Meiling was enveloped by Ye Kai's blood energy and purple flames, and ate Ye Kai's big bang whole.

"Ahem... Stop hitting, stop hitting, fellow townsman, you have indeed become stronger. I never expected that you would become so powerful in such a short period of time." Hong Meiling stood up with a flustered expression on her face.

Her clothes were a little torn, revealing some fair skin, but unfortunately there was no dew point.

Seeing her appearance, she didn't care, she just swept the dust off her body.

"That's amazing poi!" Xi Li saw that his eyes were shining.

Both Ye Kai and Hong Meiling are the strongest among the strong.

The two fought to such an extent, Hong Meiling seemed to be fine, and Ye Kai was the same.

His injuries had recovered during the battle.

"You are also very powerful, you are worthy of being a big monster." Ye Kai said with emotion.

"After living for so many years, it feels terrible to be called amazing by a child like you." Hong Meiling rolled her eyes and said.

"Just finish it."

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