Remy pondered: "But torpedoes, B25, A2, fate tells me that I can't build them."

Chapter 469 Friendship in War

"..." Ye Kai's hair was full of black lines, as if it was the same as in the game?Then the B25 has the Hornet, what about the A2?

Even if I build a bumblebee, I'm too embarrassed to take away her B25!This is different from the game. If you pick it up, you will pull it out. If you do this in reality, the loss of favorability will be light, right?

Just like you can disassemble a ship in the game, in reality you can try dismantling one...

"Three BTD-1 Destroyers can be synthesized into B25, three Meteors can be synthesized into A2, and three standard anti-sea radars can be synthesized into quadruple 533mm magnetic torpedoes." Paqiuli said aside.

"I'll go, isn't Meteor a torpedo plane?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

"I don't know why, but according to the formula of the ship girl's equipment, the magic energy contained in it can indeed be synthesized in this way. I don't know why the radar turns into a torpedo after synthesis." Paqiuli shook her head and said : "Like, do you know why runes in the dark world can be synthesized into weapons?"

Ye Kai said that if you are serious with Fang Fang, you will lose.

"Admiral, let's forget about B25 and A2. Let's talk about it when we have more resources." Lexington reminded appropriately.

Seeing that Ye Kai wanted to give them the best equipment, she was also very touched, but money can't be spent like this!

She felt that after making these equipments, the equipment of the tutelary mansion would be bottomed out.

"Okay." Ye Kai rubbed his head and said, "Then let's make do with flying dragons, four sea fangs, twelve flying dragons, and three additional armored mediums."

Remy nodded and said, "No problem."

After finishing speaking, she began to input resources, and Ye Kai was terrified to see it.

He was a little afraid to press it, it was too scary.

But Lexington was naturally built.

Ye Kai was stunned, and said to Lexington: "How can you build, isn't it only me?"

"It used to be." Lexington rolled his eyes and said: "But now I am the secretary ship of the tutelary mansion, and I have obtained part of the power to help the admiral build it, provided that the admiral can't be too far away from me. Because some admirals The construction time is too long, and there are a lot of things to be built, and it will break if it falls asleep, and it will not affect the plan, and the secretary ship has this power."

The implication of Lexington's words is that you'd better not change to the secretary ship, otherwise if you change to a brat type, you will definitely feel better.

Ship girls are beautiful lives, so naturally there will be no situation where they flee with their equipment.

However, even if it is beautiful, sometimes they think it is right, but it may not be correct, and this needs to be guided by the admiral.

For example, the fantasy little princess, she instinctively thought that she would be liked by the admiral if she ran and fell, but would the admiral be happy when he saw the resources for repairs?

Looking at Mengmeng's fantasy, what else can I do?Of course he chose to forgive her!

After Remy finished all this, she and Fran sat on the small chair in the arsenal, turned on the IPAD, and started playing games.

Paqiuli still needs to conduct in-depth research on these equipments. At that time, she will ask for some equipment replaced by Bismarck and others, and then see how to develop it. After all, she promised Marisa!

As for giving away Ye Kai's directly?In case Marisa got it wrong, thinking that Ye Kai wanted to attack her, wouldn't it be a waste of affection?

Paqiuli said, do it yourself and have enough food and clothing.

Ye Kai patted Lexington on the shoulder, he felt that she was not as fleshy as Chicheng, but she was still a soft girl.

Ye Kai said with a smile: "Then I will leave this side to you, and I will go to the other side to have a look."

"Don't worry, Admiral." Lexington said gently.

Ye Kai felt that although Lexington was his secretary, but this guy's wife attributes were too strong, causing him to have the illusion that Lexington was really his wife.

Sure enough, Tifa didn't try her best last night...

Ye Kai went back to the other side and waited bored.

And Bismarck obviously saw Ye Kai before, so he came to wait with him at this time.

She stood behind Ye Kai, like a javelin, with a deadpan face, which put Ye Kai under great pressure.

Speaking of sister, are you worried that I will let you dove and not make Prince Eugen?


The construction machine opened the front cover, revealing a pretty figure inside.

"I am the heavy cruiser Von Tegert...Prince Eugen. I am very happy to be your frigate...I will take good care of you...Please give me your advice."

Prince Eugen, with blue hair and red eyes, has a beautiful single ponytail. He is wearing a white shirt, a gray vest, a dark blue skirt, and a pair of dark red stockings.

I remember that her ship outfit is like a shield, because when guarding, the people on both sides are often broken, and she has nothing to do. She is nicknamed the shield of Argus. The 6-star heavy cruiser.

Eugen is the first ship girl in the game to have three sets of vertical paintings, and also the first batch of ship girls to participate in the transformation.

Like the sisters, Eugen's standing paintings are very exquisite. Usually there is a subtle contrast between the seriousness of the standing paintings and the cute and pitiful ones of the big breakers. There are not a few admirals and gentlemen.

After Eugen's transformation, he has short double ponytails that look like Yazawa Nicole, so the two are connected. After a dynamic picture of Eugen imitating Yazawa Nicole was quickly spread, Eugen Eugene and Ou's cult were admirals. Gentlemen Carry forward and flourish, and Quincy Quincy Quincy Quincy is in the same situation.

Eugene was lucky enough to be appreciated by Bismarck, and he and Bismarck have been performing missions since then.

But after the last mission with Bismarck was forced to separate, there was news that Bismarck died in battle, and he felt that he had not fulfilled his due responsibilities and blamed himself.

"Prince Eugen, hello." Bismarck said indifferently.

Prince Eugen stared at Bismarck with wide eyes, only feeling that he was filled with happiness.

Only with Bismarck, Prinz Eugen is the strongest frigate!

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