As for the counterattack, she has become the exclusive maid of Tifa and Yuyuko, and Yuyuko and Kaguya have also moved into Ye Kai's house.

Ye Kai's home has been transformed into a small villa instead of an ordinary bungalow as before.

Well, this is Kaguya's soft rice.

There are a total of six rooms, and there is no sense of disobedience in living in them all. Yuyuko has one room for herself, Hui Ye and Bei Zhai have one room, and Ye Kai and Tifa have one room.

As for why they got into Bei Zhai, it was because Kaguya and Bei Zhai were too compatible. The two basically went to the store together, came back to play games together, and sent counterattacks to the room for meals. life.

Ye Kai had an illusion that he seemed to be given NTR by his wife...

Youyuko doesn't come here often, after all there are undead in the underworld who need her to manage, even so, Yaomeng almost gave Ye Kai a tablet.

Outside, at the port, a large ship was parked in the port.

This ship is a passenger ship, and it has already said hello to Lexington, so it can stop here.

They are some tourists from Tokyo, come here to see this playground.

After the promotion by the officials, this place has become a holiday resort.

Not only some ordinary tourists, but even two admirals from the school came over, and they all brought their own ship girls.

The admiral who dared to take the ship's mother out to play during the holiday must be Ou Ti, how could Fei Ti have the face to come out to meet people?

Since Ye Kai was very busy, Lexington had to come to meet him.

I have to say that Lexington has been a secretary ship for a month, which is much more competent than Ye Kai.

Since the burden is given to her, she must do it well.

A guy who looked like a captain got off the boat almost after the tourists got off, followed by two admirals.

The two admirals were all [-]-year-old boys, dressed in admiral uniforms, followed by their own mother-in-law, looking very high-spirited.

Naturally, the passenger ship also has its own guards, but they haven't come down for the time being.

"Hello, Captain, I am the secretary ship of the Ghost Guardian Mansion, Lexington." Lexington said softly.

"Ha, hello, hello, I'm the captain of the Blue Dolphin." The middle-aged captain smiled and saluted the navy without shaking hands rashly.

After all, some ship girls are very violent, and they are not used to people other than admirals and ship girls.

For example, Bismarck, when she shakes hands, she is used to hand strength...

The two admirals looked at Lexington enviously, perfect wife, they want it too.

One of the admirals brought Nevada and Oklahoma, rare sister ships, and they were all battleships.

Rare in this world than battleships and aircraft carriers are the sister ships of battleships or aircraft carriers.

Compared with Richelieu, who only has six in the world, this seems to be possible to pursue.

Another admiral's wife is Hood and London. Judging from his malnourished appearance, he knows that he often eats London dishes.

"Everyone, please feel free, we don't accept exercises now, because the ship girls have missions." Lexington smiled.

"But, that Bismarck looks very idle." Hood said softly.

Due to the explosion and sinking of the ammunition depot by Bismarck in history, Hood's lucky value in the game is only 5.

Moreover, all the Hoods hated Bismarck.

Bismarck was on patrol at this time, and happened to catch a thief, but the guy refused to admit anything, and was finally forced to do it.

As a result, Bismarck opened the ship with the principle of warning first.

In fact, the equipment of the ship's wife does not affect the appearance of the ship's outfit, but as long as the ship's outfit is inserted into the slot of the ship's outfit, the knowledgeable admiral and the ship's lady can still recognize it.

Hood pushed his glasses, looked at the three gleaming MK6s and one 91 armor-piercing bullet, and couldn't help but remain silent.

"Bismarck is not idle at all, she is working. But if you strongly request, I think she will be happy to practice with you." Lexington smiled.

Hood glanced at Lexington with an aggrieved face, I have already lost, okay?

This, is this showing off your wealth?

Thinking of this, she glanced at her admiral resentfully.

As a result, the admiral didn't dare to look at her, but looked at the sky.

Girl, my Hood only has initial equipment. Is your Bismarck's golden equipment trying to blind someone's eyes?

Even for some ship girls with a long history, it is difficult to gather such a suit, right?You have it?

Sure enough, he shouldn't have listened to his senior's advice.

The admiral of the tutelary mansion is a real seal.

The CP combination of Bismarck and Eugen didn't say anything, the problem is that he still has Bei Zhai!

Lexington, Saratoga, Akagi, and Kaga, it is difficult to have one of these four ships. I have heard of an admiral who has a Lexington sister.

Although prestige is the African god of war, there are not a few who have prestige, but what about counterattack?The shipment rate of the counterattack has always been amazing, and there are less than ten in the world.

Even if there is a counterattack, it is very metaphysical and cannot create reputation.

It's a good thing he has them all.

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