If you can't even satisfy this, what's the difference between you and a scumbag?

Ye Kai showed a smile uglier than crying, and said to the live screen: "I want to sell another MK6, 1000W, who wants it?"

"Well, how much will you sell in the future?"

"Well, Remy said she doesn't build very often, so it should still be rare."

"I want it! The money has arrived, please ask Captain Bray to bring it back for me! My card number is 594438233..."

"I'll go, how dare you let someone else take you? If I do, I'll go there myself!"

"Yes, what if the captain swallowed it all by himself?"

"He's my dad..."


Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the excited Youmeng, and suddenly felt that he was possessed by the poor god in his life.

Fortunately, Ye Kai has gotten used to it.

Achievement of the second million words ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮

Chapter 481 Calm Daily


Ye Kai came to Hui Ye's room as promised.

The room was very dark, obviously there were brighter lights, but Kaguya was more used to desk lamps.

Kaguya had already died suddenly once this month, and he just died the day before yesterday, and he is still in a state of full energy.

The North Residence belongs to a reasonable cultivator, and sleeps a lot during the day.

Kaguya reads manga during the day, and plays games at night. He is much taller than Beizhai, which makes Beizhai admire him very much.

"Here?" Hui Ye glanced at Ye Kai who had just entered while playing the game.

"Yeah." Ye Kai sat beside Hui Ye and looked up.

The two of them are playing Dead or Alive, a fighting game.

Although Bei Zhai's reflexes and hand speed are also first-class game masters, she is still a lot worse than Kaguya, and she was abused by Kaguya again.

Kaguya put down the handle, then quit the game, took out a new disc, and put it in.

"What anime do we want to watch?" Ye Kai asked Hui Ye.

Even if he occasionally travels to a world based on anime, he has always been less interested in anime, and prefers to play games and watch movies.

"Sword Art Online." Kaguya said softly.

Saying that, Hui Ye ignored Bei Zhai's surprised eyes and sat in Ye Kai's arms.

Ye Kai only felt that Hui Ye was soft, although not as plump as Tifa, she was by no means a firewood girl.

Ye Kai leaned on the sofa, put his head on Hui Ye's head, and hugged Hui Ye's slender waist with both hands.

"Don't move around." Hui Ye said coldly.

"Of order, Master Hui Ye!" Ye Kai said with a smile.

With Beizhai by your side, how could I move around? If it was only you, would you invite me to try?Let you know why the flowers are so red!

Although Ye Kai has no interest in anime, he is very interested in Kaguya.

"What kind of anime do you think this is?" Kaguya asked Ye casually seeing that the computer was still reading the disk.

This anime has already been released, and it is also the first time for her to watch it.

There were too many supplements before. This month, she just completed those so-called migrant workers' episodes, and just had time to see that these are not super long episodes.

Although the sales volume of a catalog called Magical Forbidden Books is not bad, Kaguya is particularly curious about the model workers in the industry.

I've read hundreds of Asuna's books, but I haven't read Sword Art Online yet, so I'm so sorry for the model workers in the industry.

"It's just a fantasy world of swords and magic, and then a little white story about picking up girls all the way." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not interested in this thing at all."

Six hours later...

"Unexpectedly, it's not bad?" Ye Kai asked with some uncertainty.

Kirito's so-called two-sword style is completely different from his Ligui swordsmanship, but he was just a student before, so it's not bad to be able to practice like this.

And Ye Kai also started to change his view of anime, it turned out that it wasn't because we were Fairy Tail and then we fought all kinds of illogical...

I feel that as long as the music is played, I will definitely win.

But Sword Art Online is different, with more warm daily life.Especially this kind of entering the game world, and then being trapped there, made Ye Kai a lot of interested.

"Can you take your hands away first?" Kaguya said with black lines all over his head.

"Sorry, I'm used to it." Ye Kai took away the hand that was pressing Hui Ye's chest, and forgot to take it away after touching it.

No way, who made Kaguya so fascinated by watching anime, gave him a chance to take advantage of it.

"Admiral H." Bei Zhai cast a glance at Ye Kai and continued watching the anime.

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