Kamijou Touma couldn't control his feet, and walked forward one step, two steps.Finally, he saw the thing.

Although some parts are blocked by the robot and cannot be seen, isn't this white monk's uniform lying on the ground with the gleaming safety pins the same as Index who was lying on the balcony of his house in the morning and fainted from hunger?

Three large iron barrels kept hitting Index with their bodies, but she didn't move.In fact, the cleaning robot should know how to avoid pedestrians and obstacles. This means that even the machine does not treat Index as a human being, which is really miserable.

"It's...unfortunate..." Kamijou Touma shook his head helplessly.

Even if the thing about the "magician" isn't real, it could be interpreted as a lonely teenage girl being chased by a group of people belonging to a weird new religion.

Seeing her now appearing in front of my eyes in the most natural way as if nothing had happened is really a joyful thing.

Even if these superficial interfaces are ignored, just being able to see her again is a happy thing.

"Hey! What are you doing here? Why are you sleeping in a place like this?" Kamijou Touma walked over and squatted beside Index.

There was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But now, he couldn't laugh anymore.

I was blocked by the cleaning robot just now, so I didn't see it.

Index lying on the ground had a horizontal wound on her back near her waist.

Is that dirt human blood?

He touched it, put his hand in front of his eyes, frowned and said, "This is... what's going on?"

"Cheer up, Index!" Kamijou Touma yelled at Index, then put his hand on her shoulder, and murmured, "What's wrong with you? Who did it!"

Da da da……

Suddenly footsteps sounded behind him, and he turned his head abruptly.

This is a fair-skinned man, nearly two meters tall, with a very youthful appearance, but his figure is a bit anxious.

Judging by his height, he should be a foreigner.As for his clothing... he was wearing a black monastic uniform like a priest of the church.But if you search all over the world, probably no one will believe that this man is a priest.

He wears hollow earrings on his ears, a mobile phone charm in his pocket, and a lit cigarette in the corner of his mouth that is shaking constantly. The most exaggerated thing is that there is a barcode-shaped tattoo under his right eyelid.

It's not quite right for this man to say that he is a priest, or a bad boy.

"It was done by our magician." There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Kamijou Touma's initial feeling was not fear, nor anger, but confusion and anxiety.

Although I still don't believe in the word "magician"...

But the person in front of him obviously couldn't use the common sense of his own world to think about it.

"Hmm...the cut was really heavy this time." The magician tilted his head and glanced at Index who was blocked by Kamijou Touma.

"Why?" Kamijou Touma asked somewhat unwillingly.

"Huh? You want to ask why she came back here? Who knows, maybe she forgot something. By the way, when she hit her yesterday, she was still wearing a nun's hat, so she must have fallen somewhere Right?" The magician thought for a while.

Kamijou Touma was stunned, what Index said flashed through his mind.

"Then you want to accompany me to the abyss of hell?"

In an instant, all the pieces are connected in series.

The mobile church hat that was left in Kamijou's room hadn't been touched by his right hand yet.

In other words, the hat is still working its magic.She must have been worried that the mages would follow the mana to Kamijou's room.

That's why she took a great risk to come back here.

Everything was for a stranger, a stranger named Kamijou Touma whom he had only known for thirty minutes.

In order to prevent Kamijou Touma from being involved in the war between herself and the magician, she risked her life.

"You idiot..." Kamijou Touma had a tangled expression, both pleased and angry.

He stared back at the magician, to see what else he could say.

"Don't stare at me like that." The magician said indifferently, "It wasn't me who attacked her, and I shouldn't have intended to cut her into such a godlike figure. That nun uniform The 'Mobile Church' has absolute defense capabilities, and an attack of that level should have been unscathed... I really don't know how the 'Mobile Church' was destroyed?"

"Why..." Kamijou couldn't help asking a question that he didn't expect the other party to answer: "Why? Actually, I don't believe in magic at all, and I can't understand what kind of creature a magician is... But... ...In your world, there should be good and evil, right? There should be things and guardians you want to protect..."

Kamijou Touma stood up, clenched his fists, and said coldly: "A large group of you chased after such a lonely little girl, and even chopped her into serious injuries...how can you do such a thing? Uphold your own justice?"

"If you have finished speaking, I hope you can step aside, we will take back that thing." The magician said nonchalantly.

"Recover...receive..." Kamijou Touma said in disbelief.

Just as the magician was about to speak, the door behind him slammed open.

"What's the noise? I don't know if someone is sleeping in it?"

A guy with a scarlet left arm and only a coat on his upper body came out.

He held a long and narrow red sword in his right hand, resting it on his shoulder, and looked at the two with dissatisfaction.

Chapter 491 A man who is dissatisfied with desire...

Kamijou Touma, a high school student with hedgehog hair who attends a high school in Academy City.

The true body of the "man with the ability to nullify any ability" in the urban legend, and the right hand of the "Phantasy Killer" who hosts it has the special ability to make all supernatural powers disappear, regardless of good or evil.

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